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Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nasci Caldeira,
The question, IMHO, was a simple one. Here it is again
in quotation marks: "But seriously, I would like to
know what your opinion on harvesting their organs
would be?"

You were either unable to understand the question or
unable to reply.

Since you seem to be in an entertaining mood, let me

> I am surprised that this sort of 'ignorance' in
> comment is displayed, by one who lives in Canada.

Believe you me, you are not the first person I have
surprised. Here is a picture of where I live in. It's
the surprise my in-laws got on their first trip to
Toronto. They now call it "Mervyns down under." :-)


> Liz is only talking of the 'legal Death Sentence and
> execution', and not of 
> stadium killing and entertainment! Do you not
> understand that? How did you 
> get entry into Canada, with this type of ignorance?

I believe I got into Canada because they were looking
for potential lottery winners. On the other hand,
maybe I got in only  because Canada has a long history
of not accepting criminals. 

> Oh my God! You must be reading with your eyes  or
> mind closed, or both.

Here is Canada, the term "Oh my God!" is used by
people in their teens, and I am not talking about
their IQ. I am not sure how you use it in Australia. I
would like to surprise you again and say yes, I do
read with both my eyes closed, but given your age, I
don't want to be the last person to surprise you :-)


"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability
to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same
time, and still retain the ability to function. One
should, for example, be able to see that things are
hopeless and yet be determined to make them
otherwise." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

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