8th March, 2006.


International Women's Day was heralded by Bailancho Saad at Azad Maidan to
the beating of drums by women from different communities in expression of
protest against the communal violence, and in expression of solidarity with
the Muslim women who have been victims of the violence at Sanvordem. To the
rhythm of drummers Ms. Shabana,  Ms. Savia, Ms. Ulka, Ms. Angel and Ms.
Sonia, women marched into Azad Maidan making a fervent call to retain the
hard won spaces where women can walk freely without any fear.

The programme highlighted the various concerns and struggles waged over the
last one year and the burning issues of today through a vivid ensemble of
various cultural forms.
The issues of domestic violence and alcoholism resonated through in many
cultural presentations by women from different parts of Goa. Saad Alashiro
expressed concern over the rising HIV infection among women and the
discrimination faced by women in the family in that context. It outlined out
the various measures for support to the HIV victim through a skit. Jan Ugahi
focussed on exploitation and oppression of migrant women as domestic labour
and trafficking of women. Issues of sexual harassment and rising inflation
were presented through a fugdi by the women of Siolim.

A skit by Bailancho Saad drew attention to the proposed withdrawal of labour
rights of women in the IT Policy through  relaxation of provisions relating
to maternity leave and minimum wages.The need for access to information so
that women can have an informed say before special economic zones or any
economic policies are thrust on Goa was also highlighted.

Dances by the tribal Cunbi women groups from Paroda and Tilamol in Quepem
highlighted the hard work done by women in the mining sector, in
agriculture, and the raw deal that the women received at work and at home.
Rivonche Ostori Vani presented a mando and dulpods on the theme of women's
unity at all times and trying situations.

A poem written by Madhuri Rao which drew linkages between gender
discrimination and casteism and racism was recited by Ms. Pratibha Bapat. So
also a poem on a dream village was recited by Ms. Vrunda Prabhu. Mr. Daniel
Alphonse sang an ode to women.
A tribute was paid by Ms. Pratibha Bapat to late Jyotsna Kamal, a founder
member of Bailancho Saad who passed away two months ago.

Ms. Angela D'Souza reported about the work and stands of Bailancho Saad and
significant achievements made in the last one year. The passage of  the
Protection from Domestic Violence Bill providing much needed reliefs was
hailed and the decision to ensure dissemination of information about the law
and the tasks that lie ahead to see to its implementation in the near
future, conveyed, Ms. D'Souza stated that  Bailancho Saad had to battle
against derogatory ads and imposition of dress codes of women.  The issues
of  lack of access to health care in certain remote areas, the need for
consultative processes in the formulation of family laws, the struggle to
improve conditions in the homes for women like the State Protective Home,
the Provedoria Home for Aged and destitute women and the need for caring
homes for mentally challenged women. The launch of a sustained campaign for
a conducive work environment was also announced. Ms. D'Souza also stressed
that the organization is presently seized with the issues of land rights and
communalism that have been thrown up through the Saleli uprising and the
Sanvordem incident.

Ms. Sabina Martins shared accounts coming in to Bailancho Saad of  how in
Curchorem-Sanvordem, local Muslim women were attacked by local people known
to them at the instigation of communal forces. Ms. Martins pointed out
these very forces had sown the communal virus and sparked off the riots
through rumour-mongering and spread of falsehoods. Ms. Martins emphasized
that the communalism was sought to be camouflaged by projecting it as an
outsider-insider issue. Ms. Martins whle expressing outrage, reminded that
communalism puts all women at risk and pushes them indoors. Ms. Martins then
read out the joint statement of  women's organizations, condemning the
attack on the Muslim community, appealing for peace and expressing
solidarity with the affected people and seeking action against the
perpetrators of the terror.

Ms. Dipti Arolkar who compered the programme stated that the struggle must
go on and that persistent united moves were sure recipes for peace, justice,
freedom and equality.

For Bailancho Saad

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