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No death penalty for the boys: residents

 After exactly a year, the three accused in the Borivli double murder case,
Wilfred Dias (22), Clint Fernandes (21) and Ashish Waravale (22), were
pronounced guilty.

 Read full story at:

 What the Parish Priest of IC Say:

 We then asked the former parish priest, Hugh Fonseca, who was present at
 that time. He says, “The law has to take its course and I would not like to
 say anything other than that.”

 What the Residents of IC colony say: (mostly Goans)

 Nancy Pereira
 Resident of IC Colony
 “The crime the boys committed was heinous. But to put them on death row is
 not fair. They should be punished in a reformative manner as they are not
 criminals. Death penalty should be for people who are responsible for riots
 and bomb blasts.”

 Veronica Fernandes (my sister in law)
 Resident of IC Colony
 “The accused should not be given death penalty considering their age.
 However, they should be made to do rigourous community service. Their
 intention was to rob not murder. Killing them will not solve anything for
 the Mendes family.”

 Dorothy Gomes
 Resident of IC Colony
 “The accused are youngsters gone astray. They need guidance and not death.
 They committed a terrible act and therefore should be punished. The murder
 of Leticia and her grandon destroyed one family. Killing the accused will
 destroy three.”

 Naren Nazareth
 Resident of IC Colony
 “Even though the Mendes’ were victims of the most monstrous crime, they
 should think about the boys. This may be easier said than done. The death
 sentence won’t bring back the two people. However, the boys must pay by
 serving rigourous prison time.”

 Forwarded By Edward Verdes

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