Christians Welcome Antulay’s Appointment As Union Minister For


NEW DELHI (SAR NEWS) -- Major Christian organisations have welcomed the
appointment January 29 of Barrister Abdul Rehman Antulay as the Union
Minister in charge of minority welfare.

“This appointment, we hope, is Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh
Government’s signal to religious minorities in the country that it means
business in safeguarding their security, in ensuring their economic
development, assuring them an integral role in the governance apparatus,
and finally in checking social and political communal groups who
continue to terrorise the people and have escaped punishment for their
past misdeeds, Christian groups in the country said.

In a statement on behalf of the All India Christian Council, the All
India Catholic Union and the United Christian Action, John Dayal, member
of the Government’s National Integration Council, said Mr. Antulay would
be able to help the Government devise holistic plans for ensuring
communal harmony and making sure minorities are full beneficiaries of
the development progress and the economic boom that the country has

“We recall th at the UPA (United Progressive Alliance ruling at the
Centre) came to power riding the popular nation-wide aversion against
the massacre in Gujarat and the environment of hate that had percolated
the countryside and the metropolitan areas. The Government also took
other steps to restore confidence amongst the minorities – including
de-saffronising (de-Hinduising) education and setting up several
national commissions on minority education and economic status,” the
statement said.

However, the Union Welfare ministry has not been able to infuse
confidence among the religious minorities nor has it been able to come
up with pro-active policies. If anything, some of its actions have hurt
the minorities, especially Dalit Christians, it said.

The Government has also failed miserably in ensuring the security of the
Christian community in states ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party, which
see a daily case of violence.

“We hope the Minority department under Barrister Antulay will provide a
single-window and coordinated service to all religious groups, and
particularly to the micro minorities.

“Various laws have to be reviewed and new laws formulated, as in case of
Christian adoption and marriage laws, and the Dalit Christian question.
Similarly, Christians in particular have been left out of the protection
of many central laws and economic agencies, and even the Anti-communal
Violence Bill does not really cater to their special needs and fears,”
Mr. Dayal said.

The Christian community called on Barrister Antulay, a seasoned
politician with an impeccable secular image, to call a national meeting
of religious and community leaders to take a social audit of their needs
so that the government, the planning commission and the courts can
together take adequate steps for the social security and economic health
of all religious minorities.

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