Fri 31 Mar 2006
City bikers to earn Goa-faster stripes on 1500-mile trip

TWO bikers are to ride 1500 miles across India after being inspired by
Ewan McGregor's round-the-world bike ride.

Peter McLellan and Millar Graham are to ride from Goa to Varkala on
1960s motorbikes to raise more than £10,000 for the Rainbow Trust
children's charity.

Mr McLellan, 37, from Pathhead, and Mr Graham, 44, from Barnton, will
join around 100 other riders taking part in the challenge.

Mr McLellan, a Royal Scots veteran and fitness instructor, and Mr
Graham, a property consultant, decided to take on the challenge after
seeing film star McGregor complete a 20,000-mile round-the-world ride in

Mr Graham said: "I just reached a certain age and thought it would be
good to do something a bit adventurous.

"Having watched Ewan McGregor on TV, I decided to do this on a bit of a

"The destination, as much as anything, does appeal to me. The route is
along rough tracks in remote regions."

The riders will tackle all types of terrain from expansive mountain
ranges to sandy Indian beaches, on their 14-day ride in February and
March next year. Mr McLellan and Mr Graham will complete their journey
on 1960s Royal Enfield 350 motorcycles.

Fritha Vincent, community fundraising manager at the Rainbow Trust, who
went on the trip this year, said: "It's really tough. You have to be
very physically fit and some people get really sick from all the rocky

"It involves riding through four or five Indian states. The route varies
from back roads, mountain ranges, wildlife centres and tiger reserves.
You go through paddy fields, backwaters - there is a lot of off-road

However, the ride completed this month - and also done in previous years
- was only a fraction of the challenge that Mr McLellan and Mr Graham face.

Whereas previous groups have ridden for up to five days, next year's
group of motorcyclists will be on the road for 14.

Each day they will start at 6am, and ride a maximum of 300 miles, before
stopping for the night.

The journey will begin in the holiday destination of Palolem in Goa on
February 17, and the first day spent riding through the beach resort
will be a gentle introduction to the rigours ahead.

>From Palolem they will climb the Ghat mountain range, which the Rainbow
Trust claims is as spectacular as the Himalayas.

The next day, as they continue to climb, they will find themselves
looking down on the Arabian Sea, before heading on towards the bustling
Indian city of Shimoga, the tiger and elephant reserves of Masinagudi
and historically- multicultural Cochin.

Much of the money raised will go towards building hospitals for the
children of India.

Mr McLellan, who served in the Gulf, Gibraltar and Northern Ireland
during his time with the Royal Scots, is looking forward to meeting the
people he is going out to help. He said: "Many of these people have
nothing. Families of ten are living in small rooms and yet they're so happy.

"We take so much for granted in this country. When I read about the
conditions in which they live I just wanted to give something back."

Anyone who would like to sponsor Mr McLellan and Mr Graham can e-mail

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