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Civil sector likely to get Rs 3,045 cr  
Deccan Herald
Tuesday, January3, 2006

New Delhi, PTI:  The GBS for the sector was fixed at Rs 119.21 crore by
the Commission, but the Ministry asked for an additional Rs 13 crore for
the Aero Club of India. Of the Rs 130 crore, AAI would get Rs 42.91
crore and DGCA Rs 29 crore. 
The Civil Aviation ministry is likely to get an allocation of Rs
3,046.93 crore for the next fiscal, including a gross budgetary support
(GBS) of Rs 130 crore, for acquisition of training aircraft and
equipment by the Aero Club of India, pilot training and for Airports
Authority of India.  The amount for 2006-07 was discussed at the annual
plan meeting of the Planning Commission and the Civil Aviation Ministry
held recently, official sources said on Monday.  The GBS for the sector
was fixed at Rs 119.21 crore by the Commission, but the Ministry asked
for an additional Rs 13 crore for the Aero Club of India. Of the Rs 130
crore, AAI would get Rs 42.91 crore and DGCA Rs 29 crore. 

Civil Aviation Secretary Ajay Prasad highlighted problems related
traffic movement and infrastructural bottlenecks at the presentation
made during the meeting with Anwarul Hoda, Member, Planning Commission.
Mr Prasad also stressed the need for augmenting training facilities in
view of the growth of the sector and said the country required 800
pilots every year up to 2010, besides 800 engineers and 1,200
technicians during the next three years. 

The Commission has asked for detailed assessment of demand and supply
gap of pilots and the financial requirements for the purpose. It also
pointed at the inadequate delays in certain projects under the AAI.  

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