Two boys have gone through a trial----and tribulations because of an alleged
rape in which 1.the victim has never testified,2. the complainant's [who was
not raped, but  is reportedly the mother of the alleged victim] version has
not been concurred by the person [a nun] who is said to have got the first
testimony of the so-called rape. It is accepted that the nun has denied the
version put out by the alleged mother of the alleged victim. Still there are
many who think that the boys had somehow committed rape while keeping the
hymen intact. The panel of doctors have not agreed. The trial judge has not
agreed. Yet, the hype of  leaders of some well-meaning[ but apparently
emotionally misled] organisations still has the confidence of the lynching
party. If given the opportunity, they would like to set up a kangaroo court
and execute[ or, as demanded in 2003, castrate the boys.] How that makes
them different from the people who believe that scantily clad girls should
be raped or that Kingfisher Airlines advertisements are good, one fails to

An immodestly dressed girl does not necessarily want to be raped. She may
just be an exhibitionist...or from a culture that does not find the dress
immodest. Persons who find short-cropped blouses and ABCD jeans immodest
think nothing about women in backless choli blouses and belly-button showing
sarees. That is Indian Culture...full of double standards. We have women's
rights. All men are potential rapists. When we speak about Gender Equality,
rape needs to be re-defined. The Giver should not remain at the Receiving
end of the law. The law needs to be even handed. Thank God for good judges.
Thank God the judge in this case was a lady. Otherwise some women's
organisations might have alleged that there was a miscarriage of justice.
The State and the Complainant should do reparations, tender an apology to
the two falsely accused [ or at least, without evidence to substantiate the
accusation] boys and pay compensation for their lost years. It was malafide
at source. The evidence of the nun clearly nails the lie of the accuser. Let
the State recover the costs from the major players in this seedy episode,
including the doctor who supported the claim of rape and those that bore
false witness for the prosecution, in person or by affidavit or statement to
the police. Let justice be seen to be done.

The so-called journalists will continue to be spineless. No one has
apologised for defaming Pratima Gaokar after she was dead. No one will have
the courage to apologise to the two defamed boys. Journalistic licence is
their mask. Quite doubtful if the Goa Union of Journalists[ GUJ] can do
something about it. If the journalists and Editors of newspapers in Goa
really believe that the two boys are guilty, let them implead themselves and
go into appeal or give evidence of the guilt. The law says the accused is an
accused, just that. He is innocent till proven guilty. When acquitted, the
person is either proved innocent or NOT proved guilty. Who is an Editor to
sit in judgement after the judge has acquitted. His role is limited to
tendering an apology and publishing a retraction of equal prominence and
size in his newspaper as the original report. Pratima was accused of having
a penis. These boys were accused of unauthorised use of the same organ. The
Editors are more circumspect while writing about the famous two-in-one who
frequents the Panaji end of the old Mandovi  bridge after dusk. Perhaps they
are uncomfortable discussing it. After all, it is reported to have given at
least one cop literally a ' run for his money' at the new Secretariat end of
the bridge!

Down with hypocrites at the masquerade ball of journalism.

Viva Goa.

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