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  Times, March 8): The first thing that Ms Zarina Shaikh did
  when initial reports of violence came in at around 5 pm, 
  on March 3, was to shut the doors and windows to ensure that
  the mob on rampage did not break into her house.
     Accompanied by her two teenage daughters and son, 
     Ms Shaikh spent the entire evening and night in fear
     and behind locked doors, while their driver was
     mercilessly beaten up and their six cars including
     an old vintage car were totally damaged and the window
     panes broken.

The doors that the family had blocked using all heavy
furniture available was opened only when the police came
calling the next day... 

  Rafiq's car accessories shop near the Curchorem
  circle and look around. There's disgust and pain in
  his eyes as he sees innumerable burnt and damaged cars
  near his shop and it sends a chill down my spine.
  Later, with a calm and helpless smile, he waits
  in anticipation as one of the boys opens the
  shutter of the shop which was borken into and
  ransacked by the rampaging mob. (Preetu Nair, in GT Mar 8)

o HE CAME, HE NEVER SAW, HE LEFT: Union minister holds
  talks but fails to visit riot-hit areas. Asked why he
  had cancelled his tour of the riot-affected areas, Union
  minister of state for home Om Prakash Jaiswal said
  normalcy had been restored. (Herald, March 8)

o DAMAGE TALLY: 27 cars, 10 two-wheelers, 3 trucks, 2 pickups,
  2 KTC buses, 1 private minibus, 1 tanker, 1 carrier
  rickshaw, 14 houses, 16 shops, 2 petrol pumps. (Herald)

o CONGRESS GOES FROM BAD TO FARCE: Union Minister of State for
  Home Prakash Jaiswal flew to Dabolim and instead of going
  South towards Curchorem, 35 minutes from the airport, he
  swung towards Panjim, 40 minutes on the other side. He had
  lunch with the Governor, high tea with the chief minister,
  had a tete a tete with officials before flying back. Asked
  why he didn't go to Sanvordem to meet the victims of violence,
  he quipped, "Everything is normal there, so I didn't go."
  (Editorial, Gomantak Times, March 8, 2006)

  the minority community whose commercial establishments
  were targeted by the rioters had to keep their
  shutters down as the police were still conducting the
  panchnama.... Meanwhile, the Curchorem police have registered
  12 cases under Sections 143, 147, 153A, 454, 457, 380, 435
  read with 14 of the Indian Penal Code against some unknown
  persons upon the complaints loged by the riot victims.(NT)

  reported a partial bandh, while the bursting of crackers at
  Quepem led to the closure of shops. The situation at
  Shiroda became tense around 7.30 am, when some people
  blocked roads and later stoned a house built under the
  20 Point Programme scheme in a locality popularly known
  as Fukat Nagri. The people insisted that all commercial
  activity in the area be closed down. They tried to justify
  their action saying that some people from the area had
  participated in the meeting at Sanvordem, the day violence
  broke out. Those who stoned the house of a person claimed
  that the house-owner used to hoist a green flag resembling
  the Pakistani flag on his house. The owner of the house
  however refuted the claim, saying it was not a Pakistani
  flag and added that he had hoisted it to portray his
  devotion to a particular saint. (NT Reporters Team from
  Margao, NT March 7, 2006)

o [On March 6] pro-bandh supporters were heard demanding
  that the police carry out verification of the 
  antecedents of the outsiders, who have settled in 
  the town in recent times. -- Herald, March 7, reporting
  from Margao. 

o Losses estimated by them (Muslim traders) have been
  placed at Rs 3 crore (Rs 30 million). --Herald, March 7.

o While the Rapid Action Force was withdrawn from 
  Curchorem town, the battalion of the Central Industrial
  Security Force (CISF) was however retained in the
  riot-affected areas. Speaking to Herald, CISF inspector
  (MPT Unit-Goa) S K Athanker clarified that the CISF
  was given clear instructructions to refrain from
  hitting the agitatators on the head, abdomen and
  other sensitive parts. "If any person is injured, it is
  we who carry them to the hospital.We retaliate only
  when the agitators take (the) law into  their own hands,"
  he said. (Herald, March 7)

o BJP appointed a three-member fact-finding committee
  under Mapusa MLA Francis D'Souza and Mandrem MLA
  Laxmikant Parsekar and Prior MLA Vishwas Satarkar as
  members to probe the illegal construction at 
  Guddemol, Sanvordem and subsequent untoward happenings
  in Curchorem. GT, March 7.

o Vested politics: ARchbishop. (H, March 6)
o Rane assures compensation, vows to go though on guilty.
o Former minister Shaikh Hassan Haroon resigned from his
  primary membership of the BJP, saying members of the
  Muslim community were targeted without any provocation
  inspite of the presence of party MLAs. (H, March 6)

o DECCAN HERALD, 5/03/06 Goa seals borders after riots 
  (By Devika Sequeira) 

o UNI IN WEBINDIA123: Police fire in air to quell rioting, 
  Goa CM appeals for harmony (UNI)

o UNI IN MID-DAY: Goa tense, but under control
The police, he said, suspected certain ''fundamentalist 
forces'' from within Goa operating behind the violence to 
disrupt peace and tranquility in otherwise traditionally
peaceful state.

o MID-DAY: Goa on red alert

o IN GULF DAILY NEWS: Protesters storm Goa police station

o INDIAN EXPRESS: No let-up in Goa protests, two injured in firing

     Meanwhile, the BJP has blamed failure of the district 
     administration for worsening of the situation. Girish
     Chodankar, Youth Congress president, on his part said
     it was the handiwork of Hindu fundamentalists.

o NEW KERALA: Communal tension could affect trade 
  and tourism in Goa

o PTI in the Hindu: Rane blames BJP and RSS for
  violence at Sanvordem

o Associated Press: Muslims, Hindus clash over demolished
  mosque in Goa


o The role played by Mr Manohar Parrikar and other BJP leaders
  in this shameful episode was shocking, nay depressing.
  Instead of articulating the voice of sense and reason, they
  have used this issue as a ladder for their political climbing,
  by making provocative speeches so as to strengthen their
  communal agenda. -- Sandeep Heble, Panjim in NT (March 8, 2006)

o This is a simple college girl saying good morning to all Goans.
  The situation of Goa compelsl me to call all peace-loving
  Goans to come forward and contribute in maintaining peace in Goa.
  It would be foolish of me to write down even a summary of what
  has happened in the past three days in the Curchorem-Sanvordem area.
  I am definitely not here to tell you'll what has actually
  happened, and how it has happened, but just to raise my voice
  to indicate that whatever has happened is bad... Come on Goans,
  let's all show the people who want to divide us that we are
  still one! -- Miss Ashvi Shaik

o Peace can be brokered when two warring sides are involved.
  But in this case, it was one-sided and a section of the people
  were hell bent on creating chaos and destruction. While
  the other side was not showing any aggression, this
  group -- and nobody including our party leaders -- expected
  this.  Suddenly, these people gathered and started throwing
  stones. -- Ravi Naik, ex-CM, ex-BJP leader now in Congress.
  Quoted in GT, March 8, 2006.

o It should not have happened. Political interference is
  very bad and this is an example of it. If political
  leaders had not gone there, it may have been difference.
  The rioters received a shot in the arm due to the presence
  of political leaders, who should have stopped them. But instead,
  they spread canards that the people of the Muslim
  community have come to the state from a neighbouring state
  and they were armed with swords. There was no truth or basis
  in it. Leader of the Opposition Manohar Parrikar... as an
  opposition leader, he should have behaved responsibly. 
  -- Ravi Naik. 

o The government must come up with a clear-cut policy to remove
  *all* illegal religious structures in government land -- 
  Ganesha temple at the Bal Bhavan junction Panjim, the
  illegal RCC roof over the cross at the Goa Velha market,
  the Vailankini chapel over the storm-water drain and
  part of the property of the Asilo Hospital at Mapusa,
  the temples and shrines at almost every KTC bus stand and
  taxi stand. Persons who illegally demolished the Sanvordem
  madrasa must be identified, prosecuted and punished. So
  also the persons who have desecrated the graves at
  Bambolim. -- Miguel Braganza, in GT.

o We strongly feel that it is the bounden duty of all right
  thinking citizens of Goa to raise their united voice against
  rumour mongering, communal propaganda and anti-social 
  and violent activities. -- Appeal signed by 42 prominent
  citizens, of diverse faiths. (Navhind Times, March 7)

o Let us not get emotional about the Curchorem incident.
  But let us be emotional enough to know what has to be
  done so that such incidents do not occur in future. --
  Businesswoman Anju Timblo, quoted in Herald, March 7. 

o The bandh (in Shiroda) was called to protest against the
  participation of the Muslims of Shiroda in the activities
  at Curchorem and Sanvordem. -- Dayanand Naik, president
  of the Shiroda Merchants' Association, Herald, March 7. 

o For once Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane has hit the nail
  on the head with his salvo against the BJP for the
  current trouble in Sanvordem and Curchorem. For once,
  Chief Minister Pratapsing Rane has said what thousands
  of Goans must be saying to themselves, "Who is behind
  all these incidents of violence in Saleli, Curchorem and
  other places?" -- Edit, Herald, March 7. 

o It is a travesty of justice that a former Chief Minister
  asks for the release of men who were clearly on the side 
  of the rioters and does not utter a single word in
  support of the victims. Mr Parrikar, the boys whose
  release became such a big issue, have lost nothing.
  -- Edit, GT, March 7.

o This is a strange war where there aren't two groups fighting
  each other. There is one assaulter -- the Hindu
  fundamentalist co-opted into the BJP -- and one
  assaulted -- the community of Muslims. -- Edit GT, March 7.

o The demolition of Goa's secular psyche, at Sanvordem, has been
  done at the hands of the same propagandists, led, guided,
  controlled and orchestrated by two BJP MLAs, Vinay
  Tendulkar and Ramrao Desai with the covert but obvious
  backing of Manohar Parrikar. A leopard never changes his
  spots. Much as Parrikar tries to proclaim himself as an
  able and efficient administrator, his communal cloak emerges
  from his closet. It's a pity that an obviously intelligent
  leader misuses his intellect to parade in the jungle
  of hatred and divide. We must destroy his jungle. 
  -- Edit GT, March 7.

o These are real issues. A failed police, an equally guilty,
  weak and scared Congress and the absence of a clear
  leadership are other brush strokes in the communal
  canvas. But first things first. Get those Muslim families
  who speak Konkani and are more Goan than you think, back home.
  And arrest the cowards who have dared to mess with innocent
  lives. And the peace of Goa. -- Edit GT, March 7.

o Go and see what all we have destroyed, 15 shops... khatam
  kar diya salo ko (we finished them). There will not be a
  single Muslim shop in the market, nor will we let them live 
  here. -- Unidentified youth, quote in GT, March 7.

o What occurred in Curchorem is very bad. It should have been
  solved within the locality without involving outside elements.
  I am opposed to what occurred and feel that Goa should remain
  peaceful and that communal harmony should prevail. -- BJP
  MLA Babu Azgaonkar, of Dhargalim constituency.

o Curchorem tense again with deployment of Rapid Action
  Force (lead headline in Gova Doot, March 6)
o Savordem cooling down. (Headline in Sunaparant, March 6)
o Uneasy calm in Sanvordem (NT)
o Riots: Muslim federation demands judicial probe. (NT)
o Rane and Parrikar are both criminals -- victims of
  Sanvordem. (GT, March 6)

o Violence continues; 2 hurt in firing. (H, March 5)
o Muslim shops, houses destroyed. Families flee twin towns.
o Special control room set up at Secretariat 2419769. (H)
o Arson, looting continue in disturbed Sanvordem. (NT, Mar 5)
o Rane visits Sanvordem (NT, March 5)

o Neros in Khaki: The BJP ingites a major incident and
  has fuelled hatred that has snowballed into full blown
  communal carnage in Curchorem. As homes and hearts of
  the minorities are being torn apart, a hapless and 
  "badly stretched" police watches over the destruction and
  loot. Team GT travelled and worked out of the riot
  striken areas of Sanvordem and Curchorem to get you the
  real story and separate falsehood from facts. (GT/W Mar 5)


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||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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