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Should Goa be *importing* cashew nuts? It's happening... What about the
official claims that agriculture and horticulture is doing well in the
state? FN

GOMANTAK TIMES: Mormugao Port receives first import of raw cashew

GTNEWSROOM  [Dec 31, 2005 GT]

The Mormugao Port has received the first ever import cargo of raw cashew
nuts from Indonesia for Ajanta Industries, Ponda and Sunrise Cashew
Industries, Valpoi.

Import of raw cashew nuts into Mormugao was hitherto not possible. The
GCMA has taken the initiatives for the direct import of raw cashews into
Goa, for the benefit of the processors, so that we don't have to shut
down for want of raw material.

There is a lot of support given by the Development Commissioner of Goa,
J K Dadoo, Goa Chambers of Commerce and Industries, and the Chief
Commissioner of Customs Sunil Kumar Sawhney.

The cashew crop in Goa has not increased much in the last 15-20 years.
The yield per tree has not improved. No serious attempts are made by the
government to increase the production in the state.

Unlike any other agricultural produce, the cashew producers in India,
and more particularly, in Goa, always got premium prices.

The Goa Cashew Manufacturers Association has taken the initiatives for
the direct import of raw cashew into Mormugao for the benefit of the
processors, so that we don't have to shut down for want of raw material.

The Government of Goa has recently come up with the Horticulture Plan
2005-06, wherein various supportive measures and incentives are offered
to raw cashew farming community, to increase the production per acre and
to go in for organic farming.

The producers are offered Rs 10,000 per hectare, for conversion of their
farm into organic and get certified by the international certifying
agencies. (ENDS)


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