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       GOANET NEWS BYTES * Nov 16, 2005 * DATELINE GOA
      Compiled by Frederick Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED]


POLICE PLANS: The new Director-General of Police, Neeraj
Kumar has said that Goa being the premier tourist
destination, his priority would be to strengthen intelligence

Intercontinental Grand has a lived-in air, as Ajay Devgan has
made it his home away from home over a 40-day shooting spell
for the Rohit Shetty directed Golmaal.

TOWARDS A STATE BIOTECH POLICY: If everything goes well as
per the plans Goa state would soon join other states in India
to have its own biotech policy. Biotechnology or
‘biotech’ (BT) is the global sunrise industry. The
marriage of biology and biotechnology with informatics and
information technology yields bioinformatics.

Finance) The Czech Republic's president urged India to
further liberalize its economy Tuesday, saying businesses
from his country were keen to invest in the South Asian
nation's energy, information technology and glass industries.

NEW PLANS BY AIRLINES IN INDIA: Low-cost airlines operating
in the domestic Indian aviation scene are planning to offer
services connecting cities and places earlier ignored by
major airlines and even by the Indian railways.
=0&leftindx=1  [LONG URL]

Sahara announce a fully reciprocal frequent flyer agreement.


OF TIATR AND TIATRISTS: Alex A A Fernandes aka Portrait
Atelier  informs that he has just completed his series on
contemporary tiatriste. The whole process took about
three weeks and was shot in his studios in Goa and Mumbai.
They will be on display and sale at the Fontainhas Festival
from November 26 till December 3.

Alex says he initially planned to display these pictures (of
34 various artist -- "who so graciously came forward to be
photographed" -- at the IFFI (International Film Festival of
India). He approached the authorities in charge of the
festival to give these artist exclusive coverage in terms of
gallery space at the INOX or the Kala Academy.

"I had decided to foot the whole bill for shooting the
pictures plus framing them and printing an introductory
brochure which gave a brief history for each artist. It soon
became apparent that the people responsible for the
organisation of the events at the IFFI didn't want to see me
or listen to what I had to say. Maybe I have to brush up on
my reading skills as I did not fully comprehend the meaning
of the abbreviation 'IFFI'. International Film festival held
in Goa for foreginers and out of state film personalities, at
the expense of Goan tax payers. (I pay my taxes to the CCCP).
Or maybe tiastriste (whom I consider very good actors) don't
fall into the category of actors. Either way, I would like to
invite all of you to see the portraits of these wonderful
people, and would appreciate your feed back. Also please
extend this invitation to your friends or any one who would
like to see these portraits with a unique flavor of Goa."

          GOANETBYTES ADDS: The photos are real great.
          Do try and take a look at them, or write to
          Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


          KONKANI FILMS: Joao Manuel Pereira
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks: Can You tell me
          where I can find the original copies (DVD, VC, VCD)
          of the Konknni movies Amchem Noxim, Mogacho Anvddo,
          Sukhacem Soponn, Nirmonn?  The ones available in
          the market - I have bought several ("good" copies,
          the dealers assure me) copies at Rs. 350 and above,
          but disappointing!.  None of them is original, but
          copied from Doordarshan TV Programmes!

ELECTORAL ROLLS... DON'T KEEP US OUT: I need information on
how to get my name back on the electoral rolls. My brother
and I are non-residents in Kuwait and come down to Goa once a
year on vacation. There are times our visits coincide with
the election of the state or Panchayat, etc. During the last
revision (I'm not too sure) our names were knocked out of the
electoral rolls.

I've been told we can get our names back on the electoral and
there is a procedure to be followed. I've enquired about this
with the Mamlatdar's office in Margoa and I was told that
there is an auspicious period once a year and it is only
during this period that one can accomplish this task.

This really sounded absurd and ridiculous to me. The
authorities can't be expecting the non-resident to come down
only during this month to do what is their birth right. I'm
sure many other non-residents are facing the same problem.

          Can anyone suggest what the facts are and what is
          the procedure to be followed. I think this issue
          ought to be taken up with the authorities by the
          NRI grievances forums. Any assistance will be
          greatly appreciated. Jorge Gomes
          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in Kuwait


          HISTORY HOUR: Xavier Centre of Historical
          Research's next History Hour is on Myths on Goa by
          Maria de Lourdes Bravo da Costa Rodrigues at Xavier
          Centre of Historical Research B. B. Borkar Road
          Alto Porvorim. Thursday, November 17, 2005 5. 30
          pm. More details from Tel: 2417772; 2414971

Synopsis: The talk will present some misconceptions and wrong
facts that circulate about Goa which can be labelled as
myths, and have been publicised and disseminated, creating
wrong notions about Goa. Some of these write ups are
derogatory to Goa and her people. Special focus will be laid
on the wrong information provided by world famous
encyclopaedias, like, Encyclopaedia Britanica, Americana,
Mankind and others.

          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> announces the Goan old
          Konkani Kantaram Quiz (KKQ). Some quizzes have MP3
          online. So don't miss out.  Clue: All songs are
          from 1970s or 80s and all played (or still playing)
          on All India Radio Panjim (Akashvani Ponje Kendr). 
          Says Joe: "And remember, if you are a winner and if
          I know your home or Goa address, you can expect
          suprises and I am not joking." See the latest quiz
          on http://www.goanet.org

FROM NAIROBI, KENYA: I live in Nairobi, Kenya and studied in
Goa for a couple of years... loved it and left after
concluding my education. I feel rather homesick everytime I
am away from Goa... and love to read the goings on in Goa...
as it makes me feel part of it all... Thanks for all the
valuable info. -- Paloma Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Nairobi. Kenya

          CONCERN ABOUT FATAL ACCIDENTS: I wish to make point
          bout the daily fatal accidents in Goa. I am
          interested in running a study on these fatalities
          and hope we can come up with an answer. I am ready
          to lead it but being based in the UK it will be
          difficult to do the ground work but I am able to
          lend all the assisstance. I was wondering if
          someone in Goa is interested to join me on this. 
          Kenneth Barbosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

KUDOS: Thank you. Keep sending (the email updates). You'll
are doing a awesome job, thank you. Narendra Juvekar

I really feel like I'm in Goa. It's such a nice thing you
have going... We need more Goans like you. Talking of Goans,
my hats off to Ulysses Menezes and Gaspar Almeida of Kuwait
for their lovely "Konkani Radio Goaworld" radio station
(Goanet, Nov 8, 2005). 

I just couldn't believe that a few young men could do a thing
that Radio Goa has been unable to do all these years. I just
drank in our Konkani music for an hour or two before hopping
off to bed.  Radio Goa could very well have won the hearts of
Goans by emulating these young men.... Last but not least, my
hats off to James Monteiro for his tip. Rodolfo de Sousa,
Frankfurt Germany.



'Geetbharatee, Baalgeetachem Pustak-1' or Nursery Rhymes Book
1 is the title of Tukaram Shet's book of Konkani songs, poems
and stories. Printed in a simple and unpretentious style
across 48 pages and a four-colour cover, this title is priced
at a reasonable Rs 20.

          In a Goa where the Konkani language (and langauges
          like Marathi, on the grounds that it is "regional")
          has been enforced on primary students, except among
          those who can afford the high fees of unaided
          schools, this book is of relevance.

As students struggle to grapple with a medium of instruction
that suddenly spread across mainly Diocesan schools in the
early 'nineties (there are few private schools at the primary
level apart from the diocesan schools), this book can be a
useful aide to teachers in the classroom.

It contains songs like Kavlya Kakya (Uncle Crow), Makdachya
Lagin (The Monkey's Marriage), Chanya Chanya (Mr Squirrel),
and Bebya Bebya (The Frog). For a Goa which has increasingly
moved away from Konkani for various reasons -- including high
levels of emigration and the limitations of a small language
-- this reminds us of our roots, and the reality at the
village level.

There are many more poems and stories too. Some which this
reviewer had to suddenly learn late in life, thanks to a
seven-year-old daughter attending a nearby school. These
include Sobith Bauli (The Pretty Doll), Ladru Pedru, Aaggadi
(The Train), and others.

>From the book, the strengths and weaknesses of the Konkani
language, as perceived by someone who sees the need for
looking at both sides of the picture, becomes more than
clear. It's a great language in which to grapple with the
Goan reality. Themes that come across have the strong, earthy
smell of rural Goa... never mind that urbanisation is
over-taking our state at breakneck speed.

Texts from the rest of India might not be as fascinated with
fish. There are drawings of the sungot (prawn), kurli (crab),
bangdo (mackeral), tamoso, pamplet (pomfret), mori (shark)
and dalfin (dolphin). Texts from across the globe,
particularly the West, would seldom talk in so much detail
about the bullock-cart, the fox, the tiger, and even give an
idea of how the coconut tree grows from a seed into a
full-fledged tree that dominates the Goan coastline.

On the other hand, Konkani also has its clear handicaps.

Because the stalwarts of the Konkani movement haven't yet
recognised the diversity and multi-cultural nature of the
language, their attempts at pushing one-language, one-script
have met with both resistance and slow speeds in catching on.

Apart from the challenge from the supporters of Marathi
(actually, in large part, this is more of a caste war within
Goa than anything to do with language), the Konkani
campaigners have more recently also faced a challenge from
the mainly-Christian backers of Roman (Romi) script Konkani
in the past couple of years.

          Konkani isn't yet standardised, and any attempt to
          push down one dialect as the 'standard' is likely
          to be met with resistance too. It would have helped
          if texts like Shet's had to take this reality into
          account, reflected more of the dialectal variations
          within Konkani, and also perhaps overcome somehow
          the script divide.

The situation is a bit unsustainable as things stand today.
Besides facing up to caste-based difficulties, Konkani seems
to be failing to take the religion-based plurality into
account too. So while the authors of the mainly-Devanagari
(the lone script accepted as 'official' till date) opt for
the Antruzi variant (or dialect) of writing Konkani, most of
its students in the primary schools of today's Goa are from
regions like Bardez and Salcete.

So, there must be a way of studying Konkani as less of an
alien language!

This, of course, is not to fail to appreciate the
contribution of writers like Shet in putting together this
slim volume. While an inside-backpage ad from the Government
of Goa's information department might have helped subsidise
cost, such works are still largely a labour of love. While
the motives of some language fundamentalists in Goa have come
in for questions, there are obviously others in the language
camps in Goa who are still honest and well-intentioned.

Go for this booklet if you get a chance. Don't let it face
the fate of most books in Goa -- that are unsung when first
released, and then are out-of-print by the time they're
noticed. -- Frederick Noronha, November 2005. (ENDS)

BOOK DETAILS: Published and edited by Tukaram Shet. Art by
Domnic Cordo. PUblished by Balgeet Niketan, Betim, Bardez,
Goa. Phone 241 1414. Price Rs 20. Pp 48. 2003 December.


* Pond heron * Ardeola grayii * Honey buzzard * Pernis
ptilorhyncus * Black kite * Milvus migrans * Brahminy kite *
Haliastur indus * Shikra * Accipiter badius * Blackshouldered
kite * Elanus caeruleus * Booted eagle * Hieraaetus pennatus
* Black eagle * Ictinaetus malayensis * Crested serpent eagle
* Spilornis cheela * Common peapowl * Pavo cristatus 
* Pompadour green pigeon * Treron pompadura * Spotted 
dove * Streptopelia chinensis * Plumheaded 
parakeet * Psittacula cyanocephala * Koel * Eudynamys 
scolopacea * Greater coucal * Centropus sinensis 
* Brown wood owl * Strix leptogrammica * Spotted 
owlet * Athene brama * House swift * Apus affinis 
* Whitethroated kingfisher * Halcyon 
smyrnensis * Green bee-eater * Merops orientalis 
* Malabar pied hornbill * Anthracoceros 
coronatus (4 Nov 2000)  * Coppersmith barbet 
* Megalaima haemacephala * Rufous woodpecker * Celeus  
brachyurus * Common flameback * Dinopium javanense 
* Whitecheeked  barbet * Megalaima viridis * Golden 
oriole * Oriolus oriolus * Blackhooded oriole * Oriolus 
xanthornus * Black drongo * Dicrurus macrocercus 
* Ashy drongo * Dicrurus leucophaeus * Bronzed drongo 
* Dicrurus aeneus * Greater Racket tailed drongo 
* Dicurus paradiseus * Jumgle myna * Acridotheres 
fuscus * Rufous treepie * Dendrocitta vagabunda * House 
crow * Corvus splendens * Jungle crow * Corvus 
macrorhynchos * Common Iora * Aegithinia tuphia 
* Blue winged leafbird  * Chloropsis cochinchinensis 
* Redvented bulbul * Pycnonotus cafer * Redwhiskered 
bulbul * Pycnonotus priocephalus * Whitebrowed bulbul 
* Pycnonotus luteolus * Puff throated babbler * Pellorneum ruficeps
* Jungle babbler  * Turdoides striatus * Brownbreasted 
flycatcher * Muscicapa muttui * Tickell’s blue flycatcher
* Cyornis  tickelliae * Paradise flycatcher * Terpsiphone
paradisi * Whitethroated fantail  * Rhipidura albicollis
* Blacknaped monarch * Hypothymis azurea * Tailor bird 
* Orthotomus sutorius * Blyth’s reed warbler * Acrocephalus
dumetorium * Oriental magpie robin * Copsychus saularis
* Whitethroated ground thrush * Zoothera citrina cyanotus
* Indian robin * Saxicoloides fulicata * Malabar
whistling thrush * Myiophonus horsfieldi * Blacklored tit
* Parus xanthogenys * Jungle owlet * Glaucidium radiatum
* Plain flowerpecker * Dicaeum concolor * Purple rumped
sunbird * Nectarinia zeylonica * Crimson  sunbird 
* Aethopyga siparaja * Whitebacked munia * Lonchura striata
* Thickbilled flowerpecker * Dicaeum agile * Western
crowned leaf warbler * Phylloscopus occipitalis * Greyheaded
bulbul * Pycnonotus priocephalus * Verditer flycatcher
* Eumyias thalassina * Collared scops owl * Otus bakkamoena
* Yellow wattled lapwing * Vanellus malabaricus * Black redstart
* Phoenicurus ochruros * Greenish warbler  * Phylloscopus 
trochiloides * Pale billed flowerpecker * Dicaeum trigonostigma
* Purple sunbird * Nectarina asiatica * Crimson backed sunbird
* Nectarinia minima * Chestnutwinged crested cuckoo 
* Clamator coromandus * Short toed eagle * Circaetus gallicus

          BIRDS SIGHTED 72 species: On examining this list, I
          realise it is impressive, but hardly a
          comprehensive compilation. The birds listed here
          have been sighted only in the vicinity of the zor,
          and the hill surrounding it. A broader study of the
          countryside and the paddy fields will produce many
          more avian species. I have not birded here during
          the monsoons, so birds like the pied cuckoo,
          storkbilled kingfisher, plaintive cuckoo, larks and
          wagtails have all escaped mention. My apologies to
          them. Also from my own experience, there ought to
          be bluefaced malkoha, red spurfowl, blacknaped
          flameback, blackheaded cuckoo shrike out there
          somewhere but I have not had the good fortune to
          spot them.

The zor has always been a top notch birding spot in the
north. It is mentioned in all birding guides to Goa, and
draws many birders who seldom go away unrewarded. I have many
wonderful memories of this place. --Harvey D’Souza

          We need your help to spread Goanet-News Bytes. Recommend
          it to a friend or relative who wants to keep in touch
          with Goa. To get a free subscription write to
          [EMAIL PROTECTED] with SUBSCRIBE GNB as your subject.

  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyleft Goanet 2005 http://www.creativecommons.org You may
reproduce this ezine in its entirety, with credits retained.

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