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Goans rock Diplomatic Club; Stacy crowned May Queen 
5/14/2006 3:3:59
The Peninsula 

It is a day which all Doha-based Goans count with every passing day as
the D day closes in. On Thursday night the much awaited night unfolded
itself. The Diplomatic Club in Doha was the venue of the May ball hosted
by the Goan Welfare Association. A venue and occasion which found young
of all ages making a bee line for the event. The event saw the crowning
of the May Queen.  The gates to the venue opened at night and the show
wound in the early hours of Friday. 

A crowd close to one thousand swung their bodies to the beats of the
music belted out by a band from Goa, Lynx. Back home in tourist areas
foreign tourists swing their bodies to the beats of trance music. At the
Diplomatic Club here the Goans danced on the narrow, crammed floor space
with the gusto, a floor where walking was difficult and dancing required
special skills. The crowds took everything in their stride while several
of them preferred to watch the action sitting. 

The security men ensured that decorum and order ran on the floor while
also keeping the eager fans at bay. Fans were making a beeline to have
the autograph of their favourite actor Rajeev Khandewall and Preeti
Jhangani. The two were flown in to add glamour to the show.  

The chief guest on the occasion was Goa Labour Minister Luizinho
Faleiro. He was accompanied by his wife. The actor did not disappoint
his fans as he signed autographs, posed with fans for pictures and even
sang a song from one of his TV serials.  The ball's high point was the
crowning of the May Queen and although it took away a trifle over an
hour going through the motions with 32 contestants in the race, it was
Stacy D"Mello who won the honour.  The queen walked away with several
prizes from the organizers, one of which entitled her to an air ticket
to Bali in Indonesia or Goa.  

Majority of the contestants were Goans while the others were from Poona
in India, Nepal and Phillipines.  Stacy D"Mello smarted them all with
her stage poise and her cool in answering questions thrown at her.
Incidentally she had bagged the queen contest a couple of years back at
a dance held here and organised by another Goan club.  The place
abounded with a belle of beauties of Goan origin, some of whom preferred
not to be in the spotlight and the catwalk, while others developed cold
feet facing the crowd.  The crowd had no age barriers, children, old
people all made their way to the Diplomatic Club. Children also added
special colour to the dance. 

On the occasion Lynx belted out their music numbers, majority of them in
English with a mix of Punjabi pop, Konkani and Hindi to give an all
round flavour. 

The band also released a CD of music compiled by them.  The organisers,
Goan Welfare association, have promised to donate the proceeds from the
event to orphan children back in Goa.  For their part, the Goan based
here had fun, frolic and shook hands or had a glimpse of their favourite
film stars. They also contributed to help their brethren back home by
buying the QR100 tickets for the show. How far their help materialises
back home is a tricky issue. 




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