
From: "Simon D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "rene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

     WORLD GOA DAY - Message from our Hon. Speaker  
Francisco C.Sardinha                                  
Goa Legislative 
Goa Legislative Assembly

Goa Day is celebrated to signify the solidarity
amongst all Goans World over beyond the barriers of
religion one follows and with a single minded aim of
preserving the culture, heritage and the philosophy of
life in order that the Goans unite towords a common
goal of Peace and Prosperity in the noble spirit of 
I wish the Organizors grand success on the occasion of
the World  Goa Day.
Francisco C. Sardinha


 Message from Simon 

Dear Rene,
Heartiest Congratulations for spear heading the WORD
GOA DAY, today, among'st  all the spread out Goans
across the length & breath of our planet.Yes the need
of the  hour for all our fellow Goan brethren is to
Awake, Arise, Aware, & Act & that too on  War Footing,
to prevent it's further destruction, desecration,
degeneration, denudation, damnation & what-have-you,
before our beautiful God given 'Manculem Goem' goes
Mumbai way !!! Remember Bombay of yesteryears? The
East Indians ( Notiers/Kolis)?  aren't they now
outnumbered? Alas, this cancerous outnumbering has
already started & is  spreading like a 'wild fire'
from our Towns to our serene healthy villages.!!!
Mormugao, Vasco da Gama & may be a few more
areas/constituencies are already outnumbered.
Remember the old Saying "If a stone was thrown, it
would fall either on a D'SOUZA, NAIK or a RODRIGUES,
or a FERNANDES, or on a PIG".!!! And now, if a stone
is thrown, it will fall either on a PATEL, or a
SHARMA, or a BASSAPPA. Even the PIGs are gone.!!
And with it, the age old very healthy environmental
"sewerage system" too has made way 
to the modern one.Ofcourse this has to be done. Now
for our Sorpotel delight we've go to villages inorder
to satisfy our taste budsl Indeed it tastes good,
unlike the urban's one.

So such is our story!!! God save our GOA. Fortunately,
I must say that our Communal Harmony is still okay on
the whole.May The  Almighty continue to preserve it.
You know something, the very spelling of GOA spells
perfect Communal Harmony i.e. 
G----for GOD......Catholics
O----for OHM......Hindus
A----for Allah...... Muslim
Isn't our GOA blessed?

So, thro' you, Rene, on this auspicious Day, let's try
to convince our fellow Goans, the  need to shed our
narrow mentality,if any, & to think broadly & globaly,
& do our our best to preserve,  develope, improve,
greenify, protect, etc.our God given Goa & further the
dire need to  elect social oriented & selfless
leaders, & not to fall a prey to lucrative offers by
selfish  politicians. Let's impress our misplaced/lost
Goans to renew their bonds/links to their  ancestral
place. If they have nobody here in Goa, let's try to
help them to purchase a  place here in Goa. Today
being a Raksha Bandhan day, let's all imagine & tie
one on  all the Goans across the Globe.!!!  God Bless
All the best to you RENE & may our Almighty continue
to keep you & ur fly.healthy & fit in the sevice of
God. That's what you're doing. Keep it up.My humble
self - at your service.

Warmest regards 

Yours affectionately
Ex Speaker - Goa 

WORLD GOA DAY messages can be viewed at 
www.goaday.com > messages 

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