NEWS: Goa... contemplating a mining policy after five decades

>From Pamela D'Mello

Panaji, Aug 22: Five decades after open pit iron ore mining channeled a
supply chain to overseas steel markets, the west coast state that has
borne the brunt of environmental damage in its wake is contemplating a
mining policy for the first time.

"The state must have a mining policy, and consider banning access in
some forested areas", says Goa's mining minister Digamber Kamat,
responding to increasing pressures to reign-in a once all-powerful
industry, that has been overtaken by tourism in GDP earnings.

Following a May 2005 order from India's apex Supreme Court, the owners
of 98 mining leases -- some of this state's biggest companies -- have
been advised to rush applications for environmental clearances. 

Several within and immediately around wildlife sanctaries have an
uphill task and face closure.

Those with adverse environmental impact assessments will be shut down,
says Kamat, though state agencies have been known to drag their feet on
this count. Mining leases granted in the 1950s were renewed without
demur from several central and state pollution monitoring agencies in
the state.

"Environmental clearance was never a precondition for renewal before,"
says Kamat.

But a 1997 study commissioned by government listed the extensive air,
water and land degradation -- a large part from solid waste reject
dumps spread over 1300 ha, running off into water bodies and
agricultural fields. 

Suggestions to levy a road and social cess to implement remedial
measures are still on paper with the industry paying just one percent
of its export value as royalty, admits Goa's economic survey report.

Accounting for 60% of India's iron ore exports, this privately owned
mining industry valued exports at Rs 1622 cr for 22 million tonnes
shipped overseas in 2003. 


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