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-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: "webmaster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/11/08 Tue AM 08:21:37 GMT+05:30
Re: [Goanet] article

(Note for Fred)
Am unable to connect thro' sancharnet and it has been a bitch for quite
a long time now. That is why I have got reliance. It is unbelievably
Kindly post this on goanet for me.

Dearest Joel,
Heartiest greetings to you. May you keep thinking of Goa always.
Here I am, an ex-sailor like you of 27 years, trying my level best to
bring to reality the nightmares  that you have mentioned  the sailors
have,  of their life at sea,  and the dreams they keep on dreaming over
and over again for months ...years on end  for their loved ones and for
their motherland GOA. I have been there, all of it plus more,  and it
is with literal tears in my eyes that I am responding to your post.
No sooner than I planted my wabbly sailor's feet from long time sailing,
firmly on t he solid ground of mother Goa  for good in 1995,  I have put
into action each and every dream that I dreamt for my GOA, not so much
for my family,  through the formation of the GOA SU-RAJ PARTY. And it
did not end there. All those dreams were translated into the 'GOA SU-RAJ
PARTY'S ROAD MAP FOR GOA'  which has been released on 20 August, 2005
Needless to say that the PARTY, its CONSTITUTION, its ROAD MAP  has the
sweetness of the clean sea,  the smell of the  salty  freshest air and
the whopping sacrifices that we sailors make out at sea with a wholesome
ingredient of the 'mountanous waves' which have the power of tossing
around and overboard,  undesirable and unsecured things like mere
toys ( read.. our present High Command oriented Political Parties in
have never a slightest doubt in my mind.
with kind regards
Your ex-comrade in sailing.
Floriano Lobo
        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Joel Moraes 
        To: goanet@goanet.org ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 7:19 PM
        Subject: [Goanet] article
                Finally in my case, after struggling in the hot sun for
                hours, I m not allowed to drink a cold beer as the ship
                is alcohol –free, but the gas fumes from one of the
                cargo tanks already intoxicated me. I ve to accept it at
                this present moment because I ve got no other option and
                sometimes I feel I m lucky to be at sea, because my
                Goa,the one time very beautiful state, is presently
                fully corrupted, polluted, people like me are neglected
                and I feel the seas are still clean...........

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