
The Aministrator,

via e-mail


Kindly find the Party's Press Note for favour of Publication.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
Floriano C. Lobo


The Goa Su-Raj Party is, at the outset, very happy to note that a 'Single
Window' procedure for 'Land Conversion' has been initiated by the
Government. This was indeed long overdue. However not to be very optimistic
about this venture, specifically when such goodness flows from the Town &
Country Planning Department headed by the Town & Country Planning Minister,
Shri Babush Monserrate, immediately after the devastating 'TCP Ordinance'
who is seen as extremely manipulative when it comes to Land Conversions, we
have solicited opinions on this Single Window from those who are in the know
of such matters.

The general opinion obtained by the Party on this particular Single Window
procedure seems to be favourable to the general public who has been made to
run from pillar to post to deal with conversion sanads. However certain
safe-guards are required to be maintained if this simplification of Land
Conversion procedures are not to be misused and abused by both the
government as well as the more conversant and manipulative members of the
public. Therefore we request the general public to keep the following in
mind as regards 'Land Conversion Procedures':-

That obtaining "Conversion Sanad' from the relevant authority is just a
formality for the payment of the requisite dues to the Revenue Department.
It must be borne in mind that the area to be converted is already
outlined/demarcated to lie in the 'Settlement Zone' in the notified Regional
Plan (RP), the Outline Development Plan (ODP) and/or the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP). That this procedure cannot be utilized  to effect
'Change of Land Use' from one to the other as the change in land use
procedure has been already followed in full while preparing the RP by
liaising with all the relevant authorities more simply named as 'CADA'
(Comand Area Development Authority).

That by virtue of the RP and other plans being notified, it is desirable to
put a seal on any more land use changes until the expiry of the RP which is
ordinarily thought to be ten years, but was notified as 5 years prior to
March,  1988. The provisions of the amendment to the 5 year life of the RP
were effected in 1988 vide Extra-Ordinary Gazette Series I  No. 49  Dtd.
03.03.88 whereby the Government/TCP Department reserves the right to effect
changes to the RP as and when they are desired. Therefore this amendment has
been used by the TCP Department  to render the RP and other plans as just
the painting boards for lucrative side gains/extortion. In order to maintain
respectability to the planning procedures, this above mentioned amendment
must be scrapped forthwith and restore the 5 year sealing as before 1988 in
order not to make mockery of the planning procedures.

That the aggrieved person/s who, for some reason or the other, may be in
doubt if any changes are made to the land use zone after such notification
of the RP, may approach the Chief Town Planner to view the laminated copies
of such notified plans,  who is duty bound to produce the same for viewing
on demand as the scope for manipulation rendered by the scale to which the
RP is drawn-up which is  1 :  25,000  measures one millimeter at  a whopping
25 meters.

The Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that the notification of the RP-2001-2011, which
is already late by six years will correct the past practices.

The Goa Su-Raj Party also hopes that such 'Single Window' procedures may be
initiated by the Government in respect of each and every Government
Departments so that the developmental graph is not impeded by the
bureaucratic red-tape.


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