Hi friends,

I have read lot of comments on so called "Sanvordem" incident. I have read
editorials from "Gomantak Times" & every times it reiterates only one stand
i.e. Hindu Fundamentalist have assaulted Muslim community. I feel "Gomantak
Times", is known newspaper with wide circulation & while coming up with any
write ups, it should take care of the long Goan harmony. We goans have been
& are very peace loving people. Main culprit behind this arson is none other
than our laws & our systems those are governed by idiotic politicians. I
strongly feel any religious construction coming on the way should be
demolished (basically illegal) & if required a new construction should be
built somewhere else which will not cause any hindrance to society as a
whole. Our system is such a crap that we allow illegal structure to come up
of course with the blessing from local idiots (political leader) & we wake
up once the trouble starts. Our political leaders are incompetent to handle
any issues. Take the example of Saleli issue & how our so called non
performing CM Mr. Rane has handled the situation. I personally had a great
respect for Mr. Rane till he took over as the CM of our state this time. He
should not have accepted the CM's post in so much disturbances. His party
colleagues only are fighting among themselves. Why our Mr. Rane every now &
then insist on cental minister to resolve our regional issues??? Why we are
dividing people on majorism & minorism when our constitution says that we
are Indians??? When we are equal then why these political idiots are coming
up with reservations & other, non sensical things in the picture?? I think
the time has come for all our Indians to think on this issue. Make a strict
policy about the religious structure & implement them irrespect of these
idiots (votebank politicians) & someone comes into that policy then find the
culprit & hang him.


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