From: "Philip Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : < the bogus air base scenario (supported purely by holier-than-thou patriotic prattle and military mumbo-jumbo) to contend with. All big millstones round the neck of the Goan people and the hordes who want to visit them in a sensible and safe way! >

Dear Phillip,

I suppose, it depends on what the terms democracy, patriotism, freedom and liberation really mean!

It appears that possibly might mean different things to different individuals.

Do you believe that the sum total of the above mean that:

1. the Prattlelistas can do as they please because they, and they alone are the "life blood of the nation"?

2. the mumbo-jumbowallas can grab land as they please - sans honest consultation (in the sunshine) with the people who own the land?

3. Goans would really have turned down any reasonable request for space - if there was an open discussion ? Are Goans really that unreasonable?

3. Is is possible that the mumbo-jumbolwallas aided by the Prattlelistas really believe (like Salazar and the Salazarists ) that Goa is the "spoils of war"; the term "liberation" being an euphemism - Goans can actually go to hell; If they are "not with us in this land grab and dadagiri, they are against us" ?

I thought that the "Veteran" Rice Field Marshalls (RFMs) had taken leave of absence and chosen to restrict themselves to a diet of duck. Did you notice how one of the RFMs returned with selective spin, and profound pronouncements in defence of a possible future opportunity to play a few holes at an imaginary Golf Course?

For how many pieces of silver again,  did Judas betray Jesus?

Even so, better that than having to deal with a Rear Admiral ! - Let the RFMs deal with the Rear Admirals. I suppose - a RFM has got to do what a RFM has got to do ....

'veteran' of NO war... absolutely hate war .....violence is never the answer... there is NOTHING which cannot be sorted out by honest discussion and fair terms.

But then, some people are conditioned to believe that dadagiri, poixe, spinning, lies, land grab and muscle power are the just and equitable ways to move forward in life.

They actually believe it.


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