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From: "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : < Former Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said : < It was unfortunate that the Tenancy Act had not been enforced in the Satteri and Pernem taluks, thereby allowing a certain handful of zamindars to enjoy the land at the cost of the real tenants whose names were not registered for several years for various reasons, though they continued to till lands>.

Dear Mr. Parrikar,

Good Morning and Happy New Year

Glad that you finally woke up to the magnificiently SELECTIVE application of the Goa Tenancy Act .

Just a few questions for you to ask the Judge in the Judicial Probe you are demanding:

1. Why were the Mines exempted from the Mundcar Act ?

2. What were the circumstances under which they were exempted?

3. Why is this non-enforcement of an Act ....."unfortunate" as opposed to "negligent"

4. Should the Judicial Probe not investigate the various Chief Ministers and their cabinets who were busy in backstabbing "coup detats" while playing politics with Goan lives and Communal Harmony ....and ...... neglecting the work for which they were (already now) PAID for ?

On a totally different issue ....IS it not interesting that the Mundcar Act was quite 'nicely" applied and enforced in Salcete (which according to Mr. Antonio Menezes is the Uttar Pradesh of Goa) while the River Princess (Matanhy Saldnaha ....happy new year) and the mines continued their polluting and depleting status quo ....

Oh Oh! ...jusht now only noticed that the Salcete 'landlords' were Catholic ...and traditionally anti-communal parties.

Not to forget

Zuari Agro, and the alleged " Gorrment cabal" which have yet to advise the Goan electorate of Dabolim's ownership and Anjediva's midnight transfer !

When you finish assessing all the above questions, would you please advise us

What YOU did about the "unfortunate" non-enforcement of the "Tenency Act" while you were occupying the Chief Minister's Kodel ?

Will ask you at a later date ..... What you did about the forceable renaming of the road in Fontainhas (oops ! your constituency) which was previously named after TWO Goan patriots by the vandalistas?


if you would you please update us on the "Goa Jalao" stuff which happened last year ?

good wishes


PS: Never Mind the time-limitation ....do you believe that your own Actions (and Inactions) before, during and after your ascent to the Kodel ...... should be subject to Judicial Review ?

jusht only asking.


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