Cynthia !

  while i feel i`m being  naive in replying  to your``ve got the  right attitude.!; be positive 
!!!!!!!!               not all goans are rushing to disparage you...... but 
are willing to help fellow  g`s if they can...realistically  most of  us 
live in varying circumstaces........but the  goodwill and helpful spirit 
exists in most of us !
        as we  say here in Toronto.................go Cynthia  go 
 and   may you light  the  spirit  of  charity  in  many of  us  who  may 
be  inward looking (ie: being  selfish !!)

                     May  Pdre Agnel  help  you in your  endeavours !
goan  in  TO.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cynthia Fernandes"

> It takes many inches to make a mile.
> We can only move by inches, one inch at a time.
> It's when we look miles ahead and wonder 'how
> are we going to get so far?' that we fail to move forward at all.

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