Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your message.

I'm not in a position to educate anyone; on the contrary, I would like to 
receive some education more.

All the archives of Goa Inquisition are in "Torre do Tombo" in Lisbon. Apart 
from all those documents, you may also find in Lisbon the home place of the 
portuguese jesuit province and all their documents at "Colégio de S. João de 
Brito" (Alameda das Linhas de Torres) and at "Brotéria" (Rua Maestro António 

I agree with you that novels are not historical documents; however, writers 
like Richard Zimmler, awake common people for historical matters that perhaps 
would never arise if novels shouldn't exist. In my opinion, it is very 
important that novelists inform their readers that in his scripts there is a 
frontier between reality and fiction and it is the mission of readers to 
discover where that frontier stays.

For historical investigation not everyone has time and knowledge; it is much 
more easy to be a novelist.

Best regards,
Henrique Salles da Fonseca / Lisbon

> From: "Gilbert Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> When will Goans and foreign tourists and Ph D students, writing FICTIONAL 
> novels / and made-up thesis about Goa, write some facts - as they pertain 
> to Goa?  Most take the easy way and substitute, transplant and confuse the 
> Inquisition in Goa with the Inquisition in Europe.

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