Well said Jen, that was an elightening message  !!!

May all our pro-Devnagiri and pro-Roman script protoganists from the Konkani-speaking realize that 1) they must settle their squabbles and quite their babbles, noise, awaz etc. for unity and the greater good of our beloved Goa 2) Konkani does enjoy a potential global economic benefit esp among foreign investors, businessmen, tourists, overseas konkani diaspora because it has a roman script - but that is not sufficient reason to discount the Devnagiri, Kannada and Gujarati scripts. 3) for the Konkani language to flourish we must accept the language in its various dialects and the most prominent scripts - Gujarati (in Gujarat); Devnagiri (in Maharashtra); Devnagiri and Roman script (in Goa) and perhaps (Devnagiri, Roman, Tulu and Kannada scripts in the different parts of Karnataka)

For all the Goan Journos, politicians, linguists, scholars, etc who have been keeping busy with this Devnagiri vs Roman script debate over the past few decades - may be we can be proactive and introduce the Roman script to Marathi - Why should only Konkani enjoy an unfair global economic advantage and lowered barriers to acceptance/adoption by outsiders (investors, businessmen, tourists, overseas diaspora, etc) because it has a Roman script ?? We should empower our Marathi-speaking neighbours too with this kind of an advantage.

Please note that I am not having delusions of a reverse-engineered Vishal Gomantak with this suggestion !! That was a fiasco we should avoid.

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

From: Jen Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:29:58 -0700 (PDT)

What is this? A fight between scripts, a fight between religions or a fight between

I was under the impression it was only about getting equal status for the roman script of Konkani to make it among other things easier in schools for some of the konkani speaking population...and probably the other communities as well..of course besides the
recognition of status.

Resent the talk about hindus catholics brahmins non brahmins goans non-goans...why not
simply ask for the equal status and be done with it.

Vasco is full of people whose native language is not konkani and the devnagiri script is not just difficult for the roman script-lovers but also for those who speak a different indian/foreign language as well. Think broad and wide..make it a happy easy language to
understand. Its not a fight but an understanding.

Godfrey, please refrain from using such divisive talk in your reports. I dont think we can achieve much support from people with this kind of talk. You are doing a great job ,
lets just focus on the task at hand.

Lets try and follow the Rotary International four way test:
Of the things we think, say or do:

1.Is it the TRUTH?

2.Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"


For those who haven't yet sent an email in for the support of the roman script, please do

Warm regards,

--- godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This writer interacted with several Hindu "Bahujan
> Samaj" (non Brahmins) . Believe it they are extremely
> happy that the lovers of Roman script have realised
> their foolishness of 1987 after 18 years since  the
> Official language act was passed (4.2.1987)
> Surprisingly also several Hindu Brahmins this writer
> interacted with in Panaji and Margao openly stated
> that Konkani Roman script lovers were foolish to
> compromise on Roman script in 1987. Some even went to
> the extent of pointing out to present MP Churchill
> Alemao calling him "burro" donkey for the compromise
> despite the valiant struggle and financial support
> from Catholic NRIs.
> They state that atleast for 15 years one could have
> demanded that Konkani in Roman script should be
> recognised and reviewed for its continuity.
> Therefore now that 18 years have lapsed and there is a
> demand and above all a realisation that they were
> misled --they are supportive of the view that BOTH
> Devnagiri and Roman should continue.
> BUT  they are blunt "dont expect our support -- we
> have got ours --- DEVNAGIRI call it hook or by crook
> thats all about in politics"
> It is they who ADVISE DISCREETLY  -- better late than
> never.
> The Hindu Bahujan Samaj are confident that if the
> demand for amendment of the Official Language Act 1987
> to include Konkani in Roman script as well they will
> support the moves whole heartedly.
> But they suspect that the Hindu Brahmins conversant
> with the Devnagiri script will brainwash our  12
> Catholic MLA's and threaten them if they bring about
> an amendment spreading false canards. They could even
> ask some fly by night "groups" to issue press
> statements threatening Konkani Roman script lovers
> that they will demand Marathi as second official
> language.  And these 12 MLAs  would use this canard to
> shy away from raking up this issue.
> The Hindu Brahmins  have  thus far been successful in
> ensuring that the local English and vernacular media
> does not carry the demand for Konkani in Roman script.
> The coverage is not adequate.
> But when even four to five members attended their
> "public meetings" the Konkani  Devangiri script
> correspondents  who report will give them wide
> publicity.
> On 20th August 2005 Saturday a non working day for
> Government employees  a similar function will be held
> by them in a small office of the Goa Konknni Academy
> below Pato bridge and one can be sure that there will
> be huge write ups ... visit the meet and watch this
> happen.
> But unfortunately for the Hindu Brahmins   they have
> NOT  been successful in stopping the tremendous
> response on the cybermail.
> At first they tried calling Konkani in Roman script
> lovers as "anti nationals" when these same people
> would be willing to sell their mothers sisters and
> wives to achieve their nefarious designs.
> Many of our Catholic Brahmins too do not openly
> support  this Roman script mainly because the hangover
> of the Portuguese language, and that in the past they
> had called Konkani a SERVANTS LANGUAGE
> But that does not mean they do not support the demand
> for recognition to Konkani in Roman script.  They are
> for it but will not express it in emails.  But they
> are with us as well confided many this writer
> interacted with telephonically.
> Therefore it should be noted that it is only the Hindu
> Brahmins who have been riding piggy back on the
> gullible Catholics who spread the canard even to this
> day that there will be  a backlash from Hindu Bahujans
> if the amendment is brought about .  This is a myth
> perpetuated by them.
> They are unable to explain why only the Hindu Brahmins
> conversant with the written and Devnagiri script have
> cornered ALL the Government jobs for their selves and
> wards.
> That is the MONOPOLY  they want to have both to earn
> by tutoring  the Catholics in Konkani devnagiri script
> and also boost their employment prospects IN
> Government offices.
> The Hindu Bahujans this writer spoke to has challenged
> the Hindu Brahmins to contradict what has been stated
> above.
> The fact that till date none of the Hindu Brahminss
> have been able to counter the demand of Konkani in
> Roman script clearly indicates that  the general
> ground swell is that our demands as placed by Fr
> Pratap Naik Director TSKK Porvorim should be met by
> the Government at any cost.

Birmingham UK

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened!

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