The following is reproduced from today's (Sept. 25) "Daily Goa News Clips"
of Joel D'Souza:

«Remote Controlling in Politics
«By Tomazinho Cardozo
«Yet another example of the influence of the RSS or VHP can be observed till
date at the renovated Kala «Academy complex. Opposite the canteen there is a
small meeting room. In that meeting room there used to be a «photograph of a
great cultural personality from the minority community of Goa hung on the
wall. In the guise «of the renovation, the photograph was removed and a
carved picture of a God is placed instead. So also on the «wall facing the
entrance of the DMK auditorium a religious symbol is painted and continues
to be there till «date. (Panorama-NT)».

I hope that the photograph which was removed is not that of the man whose
memory is (or was) every year recalled and honoured on August 20 by the Kala
Academy as that of "Founder", i.e. Maestro Antonio de Figueiredo. August 20
was (still is?) celebrated as "Founder's Day". In such a case it would be a
great insult to the Maestro who had founded the "Academia de Musica de Goa"
which is now the Western Music wing of the Kala Academy. Such an insult
cannot be tolerated, and I hope that a movement can and will be built for
the reinstatement of that photograph. - Also, all the religious symbols have
to be removed - they cannot be admitted in a secular cultural organ like KA.

Over to you, Tomazinho.


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