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Strikers players go berserk at Cuncolim grounds. 

Just when the whole state was celebration Goa's
triumph in the Santosh Trophy finals at Kochi, on
Monday ,there was some interesting action albit for
all the wrong reasons in the Gfa's Second Division
league match, At Cuncolim School Grounds, on Tuesday.

The match between ABC Benalulim and Young Strikers,
Benaulim was marred by rough play and three players
were given marching orders by referee Merwyn Telles,
Which resulted in a premature end of the game.

Trouble started in the 27th minute when Young Strikers
player Remedious Rodrigues commited serious foul on
ABC's Milton Fernandes ans assistant referee waved the
flag for intringment.

However, Milton Fernandes retaliated by hitting
Remedious Rodrigues, after with ABC's Jackon Fernandes
joined the Fracas.

The refree after ejection the players and gave
marching orders to all there. Jackson also assaulted
referee Telles with fist blows.

Stung by the manner in which the players from bothe
the teams were playing the supervising officials tried
to spacify bothe teams but ABC Benaulim refused to
continue the play.

At the time of abandonment bothe the teams were
involved goalless draw.


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