The column below, by me appeared in Goa Plus some time in January 2003 or thereabouts. I can't recall if I have posted it here before but Borg Costa did recently query about the legend of Dona Paula.

Cecil Pinto

Gather around me children, and hear this story of long ago times. The tragic legend of Dona Paula.

About 300 years ago, in Portuguese-Goa, there lived in the sleepy fishing village of Caranzalem (Konkani for "happened in the car"), in a small hut overlooking the sea, a carpenter named Donath Figueiredo. Now Donath was no ordinary carpenter. He was a master craftsman. Portuguese nobility from far and wide used to come to him for his exquisite creations. He would make Double Beds with Storage and TV Cabinets of unimaginable splendour. Donath's skills were highly in demand and many are the Sofa-cum-Beds that were smuggled to Lisbon and Macau all the way from tiny Caranzalem Incidentally, around the same time, the Macau craftsmen developed the hideous Macau Chests, samples of which still remain unsold in antique furniture shops.

One Saturday night, as Donath was relaxing with his third peg of Caju Feni and waiting for the late night movie to start on Zee MGM, his mobile rang. Donald said "Hello?" A rich baritone voice came through "Donath! It's me!" Donath was immediately rigid. It was Dom Paulo da Cunha e South Manure, the landlord's son. "Dom Paulo, what can I do for you?". "Well for starters you can open the bloody door. I'm standing outside your house and your doorbell is not working."

Donath rushed to the door and opened it. There in all his nobility stood Dom Paulo. Handsome, elegant, charming. Dom Paulo entered Donath's humble quarters. Donath closed the door. And then they embraced each other passionately. "Donna my love!" sighed Paulo. "Paula my sweetheart!" sighed Donath. And they held each other tight and kissed for a long, long time. Much longer than Madonna and Brittney Spears. They were happy. They were gay. They were lovers.

Such a beautiful picture it made. A white skinned nobleman kissing a brown skinned commoner. But this picture of happiness was temporary. Donath's mobile rang again with the tune of Koi Mil Gaya. "Hello!" he said. "Hello Donath! Ganpat here. Are we meeting tomorrow at the Campal Children's Park?". "Naaah!", said Donath "Those security guards give me the creeps. They seem to know, just by looking at us, what we are up to. And you know how I hate being questioned about these things Ganpat dear. Ouch!!".

Donath bit his own tongue and switched off his mobile, but it was too late. Dom Paulo had heard every word. "So you're seeing Ganpat again!! You lying scheming low caste. I should have known!", wailed Dom Paulo loudly. "Don't do that, my Paula! You know I have eyes only for you", Donath pleaded. But there was no stopping Dom Paulo who kept on wailing and tearing his hair. Suddenly Dom Paulo chanced upon a half-finished full size closet lying nearby. He ran into it, closed the doors shut from inside, and continued his blubbering.

Donath did not know what to do. "Please come out Paula", he pleaded, "Please come out of the closet!". From inside the closet came Dom Paulo's muffled voice "No Donna! I cannot come out of the closet. What will people say? That a fine nobleman like me was rejected for that half-caste Ganpat!". Donath thought fast. Here was a chance to really show his remorse. "Paula. I promise I will never talk to Ganpat again. Ever! In fact I'm throwing out my mobile right now." Saying that Donath picked up a small piece of wood and threw it into the sea." Hearing the plopping sound Dom Paulo came out of the closet. "Are you out of your mind," Dom Paulo exclaimed, "That's a GSM handset and does not belong to you until all instalments have been paid. Since I'm paying your instalments anyway they're going to come after me." Saying this Dom Paulo heroically jumped into the sea to rescue the cellphone.

Unfortunately Dom Paulo hit his head on a rock and died. Seeing his dead body, Donath went berserk and took a nearby chisel, slit his writs, and bled to death in the closet. The Portuguese consulate immediately gave then Portuguese Passports post-mortem, named the area Dona Paula and asked a German sculptor to install two statues in their memory. The German sculptor used himself and his wife as models, not realising that Dona and Paula were both males. Neither did the Goa Tourism Department which recently unleashed a advertising campaign that claimed 'Dona' was a noblewoman and 'Paul' was local man. How far they were from the truth.


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