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  **** There are NGOs to protect the animals, 
    but what about NGOs to protect our PEOPLE ! ** 

  No doubt  , we have so many * MAD PEOPLE *around 


              Rabid dogs bite 17 in Vasco


MORMUGAO, NOV 8 — As many as 17 persons are reported
to have been bitten by two stray dogs in the port town
on Sunday.

One victim, Mahadev Naik, of New Vaddem, told Herald
that he was proceeding to duty when he was bitten by a
stray dog. Later, the same dog reportedly bit one
Manoj, while he was on his way to the gymnasium. 
“The dog which was tied outside a house broke a chain
and started chasing another dog and bit that dog.
After that, it started chasing the passersby and bit
around 17 people, who are undergoing medical
treatment,” said Naik.

Soon after he was bitten by the stray dog, Naik said
he went to an ayurvedic doctor at New Vaddem who
refused to adminster ayurvedic medication. The doctor
instead advised Naik to visit an allopathic doctor, as
he feared that Naik may have contracted rabies.
Another medical practitioner, Dr Rosario Menezes,
treated some of the victims who were bitten by the two
stray dogs.

“There are NGOs to protect the animals, but whenever
such incidents take place, these NGOs tend to shirk
their responsibility towards the people who are been
bitten by stray dogs,” said Dr Menezes.

Dr Menezes stated anti-rabies injections are expensive
and are priced at about Rs 1,500, while another
injection ‘Immuno Globulin’ costs about Rs 10,000.


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