As announced earlier, Samuel Carvalho’s Tiatro “BHOGSONNEM” which is an All Ladies Show was held in Kuwait on Thursday, 2nd March 2006. Instead of 6.30 pm the show started an hour late. The attendance was not a full house yet it was a success attendance wise taking into consideration that it was held in negative environment namely, the first disadvantage was that it was held on Thursday evening when many of the regular Tiatro goers are working and the second disadvantage was that it was held in the Lent Season. Those who attended this show went home satisfied and none in the hall left for home before the end of the show because according to my observation everyone enjoyed this show. This is something good and encouraging for the promotion of our Tiatros. The story of the drama revolves around a young man who after deceiving his girlfriend finally marries to another girl who ultimately also deserts him for his misdeeds. In between one can see lot of tragic events which one should see by attending this show which is going to be staged in Goa in many of the places.

The star of the show was surely comedy queen Janet who not only excelled in singing but also did extremely well in her role as “Bebdo” comedian. The other comedian who also did well in a comedy role as a “Bebdo” was Anju. Clara playing the role of a mother showed why she is one of the most sought after artistes today on Konkani Stage. She has acquired lot of maturity and reached to a seasoned stage. When I first saw her in 1963-64 as a debutant in Young Stars of Goa group she was unstable and weak especially in singing but in this show she showed her change to 360 degrees. Aplon played the role of a hero and though it was well done yet still she found wanting in her delivery as she in her talk showed lot of artificiality which dampened her originality. Fatima played a very good role of an elderly father, her French Beard, Paunchy Belly and Walking Stick were befitting her role. As usual, Felcy played the role of a heroine much to the satisfaction of the audience. After a long time and in many years I saw Betty Ferns on the Stage, earlier she came to participate in Kuwait in 1997 for the Tiatro “Ami Chuklim” by Rosary Ferns. What a great artiste she was in seventies and eighties when she was coached by and was paired with the late C. Alvares!! She was one of the most attractive female artistes of Konkani Stage but now she is become a pale self of her previous self and yet she did well. Betty Naz another artiste of yesteryears played her motherly role well thus proving to everyone what colourful artiste she was once. The others who did justice to their roles were Roma as a rejected girlfriend of hero Aplon and Felina who is showing lot of encouragement and I can rightly say that she has got excellent capacity as a singer and very good future on Konkani Stage.

Among the side show songs, Comedy Queen Janet imitating William de Curtorim stole the show while in Boyers role Felcy had some deficiency yet it was a nice song. Roma’s solo in praise of C. Alvares and other oldies was very well appreciated by the audience since she sang it with ease, perfect timing and with absolute clarity. The song Aplon and Felcy rendered in praise of their late father Rom Tony was very interesting. Meena Leitao also rendered a good solo and the trio of Felcy - Clara – Anju was one of the best in the whole drama, Clara was at her best and Felcy as usual proved why she is considered the best in singing. Aplon’s solo “Hublichi Ghanttin” with her appropriate dress code of a Ghanttin delighted the audience. The musical score provided by Norman Cardoso was excellent and now after seeing him playing on that day I realized why he carry the title of number one musician for Tiatros in Goa.

Stage setting done by SPA (Santan) was appreciated by all, so too the Mike system by Randy.

Shane Services - the local agents for Basmati Rice presented three prizes in three categories: One for Best Actor went for Fatima, the other for best singer went to Roma and the third for best comedian went to Anju.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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