Govt plans uniform excise duty for alcoholic beverages across India

M Padmakshan

The central government plans
to call a meeting of all state excise commissioners to discuss
possible guidelines for a uniform excise duty for the spirits

The ministry of food processing has issued a notification inviting
comments from various stakeholders in this matter, including state
governments, industry bodies and consumer forums on the proposed
common guidelines for state excise duties.

"We will be convening a meeting of all state excise commissioners soon
after we receive comments from the states and the industry and other
concerned people," NP Sinha, the secretary, ministry for food
processing said.

The idea, proposed by the industry, is to have a nationwide uniform
excise duty on alcoholic beverages. Government sources say the
discussion only centres around duties for the spirits industry. The
guidelines on duty on beer and country liquor will be discussed later.

Industry leaders are advocating a uniform rate on the lines of the
Value Added Tax (VAT). All the sate governments together generate
about Rs 40,000 crore from alcoholic beverages.

Since spirits is a state subject, each state has evolved its own
policy with varying rates of excise duty - ranging from Rs 500 (Goa)
per case to Rs 2,000 per case (Rajasthan). Such differences result in
smuggling of goods from one state to another.

The revenue generated from alcoholic beverage industry constitutes 90%
of the state excise duties. Together, state governments generate Rs
20,000 crore from spirits industry, Rs 10,000 crore from the beer
industry and another Rs 10,000 crore from country liquor.

According to industry sources, uniform rules would not affect the
states' revenue collections. It will instead help the government
generate more revenue. The industry has suggested that instead of
states levying taxes under up to 30 heads, these states should be
directed to levy the taxes under four heads i.e. excise duty, license
fees, label/brand fees and sales tax/ VAT.

VK Rekhi, president of Confederation of Indian Alcoholic Beverage
Industry and also president of Spirit Division, UB says, "Because of
its low excise duty rates Goa has became a hub for smuggling IMFL
products to neighbouring states such as Maharashtra. "

The industry also wants the government to implement the principles of
progressive taxation. Now, most states levy the excise duty at a flat
rate, irrespective of the cost of the product. Thus, the higher income
group and the low income group pay tax at the same rate.

R Vaziraney, president, marketing, Radico Khaitan says, "If tax is
less on low priced product, the low end consumer would get the product
at a cheaper rate. It's all right if the duty is levied at a higher
rate on high end product because price of the product is not a major
factor for the high end consumer. "

Besides, a rationalised excise regime will encourage foreign
investment in this sector, industry sources said. The difficulty of
dealing with "26 states within India" is a major worry of the foreign
players looking at the Indian market.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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