From: "goaday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: World Goa Day celebrations in Portugal 
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 12:49:41 +0100 

Dear Rene, Constantino and the entire Comunity of Goa
Damão & Diu World Wide.
We Goans, here in Portugal celebrate the World Goa Day
along with the Daman and Diu bretheren.
Yesterday we celebrated the World Goa Day with
remarkable assistene.
We had a big animated crowd of people from different
walks of life and diferent religions. It was unique
and beautiful.
At first I had thought that this project would be too
big for me, but with hard work and the help of many
Goans, because there are a lot of Goans who really do
help, the event was a success. May I say that the
Youth of today have tremendous capacity, and only
require some guidance, support and recognition from
the elderly people, and this we must do, so that our
yougsters can take the Goa Project higher and
The two celebrations one in the morning and the other
in the afternoon, were well atended with so many
people, which will be refered by other people not me.
1. The first event was a Inter-Religious Celebration
at the Famous Padrão de Descobrimentos. My Big Thank
You goes to the Hindu, Catholic and Muslim comunities
in Portugal for making this possible.
2. The second event was at the Restaurante of the
International fair of Lisboa, which was also well
attended and diversified. The attendees were from all
asssociations,  Goans who have lived in Moçambique and
 also friends from the Português Comunity. 
Do join me in congratulating the Goa Damão and Diu
comunities as well as the Hindu, Catholic and Muslim
comunities in Portugal, for their dedication and
partcipation in these events. 
To the people who could not make it to this event, I
have to say you have missed a wonderful oportunity
that will not come back. We never regret for what we
have done. We only regret for what we have not done.
In September, 16th, 17th and 18th we will be expecting
a much bigger crowd, but donot delay in confirming
your presence and buying the tickets as they will be
all sold out very soon. Lets change and not be late
Fondest Regards to all,
Leão Fernandes


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