My Dear Carmo,

I have seen Francisco Sardinha many times and I think
I met him once though briefly. I have covered and
commented on Goa politics since the 1980s. So I have
pretty good idea who Sardinha is and what has been his
contribution to Goan politics and what he has done
during his brief tenure both as MP and CM.
How can I argue with a man who like a kid tells me
that it's bad for me not to be present at the Easter
Nite. In fact, I am cursing myself for missing the
Greatest Show on Earth.


--- mahatta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Eugene Correia, 
> I cannot understand you being so acting smart on
> goanet for several months now, 
> you have no idea about your ex-CM, ex-MP and present
> Curtorim MLA.
> Please feel free to view his picture at :
> The words used are appropriate.
> My business associates in Mississauga invited me for
> 17th April Easter Ball.
> Was it not late to be called Easter Ball ? 
> Too bad, you are not there for the 'Curtorcares
> Easter Ball', now a few hours away!
> Co-sponsor of the event
> Carmo Santos  (Mob: 9047401)
> - End of message - 
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 06:15:45 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] easter nite in kuwait
> I didn't know Easter comes so late in Kuwait!
> The write-up  on Francisco Sardinha made him look
> like
> he was a film-star. Words such as "tall and
> handsome".
> Wow.
> eugene

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