Anti - Socorro Village Panchayat
A case for People's Empowerment

If the much talked about 73rd Constitutional Amendment is said to be about
'power to the people' and local self-governance, then perhaps for the people
of Socorro it is a far off dream.

This is one of the many instances in Socorro village which demonstrates how
lucrative the issuing of construction permissions can be to Village
Panchayat representatives in Goa. The gains from this activity are so great
that the people's welfare and people's decisions are secondary. Builder and
real-estate lobby interests come first.

Porvorim and adjoining wards of Socorro Village Panchayat have witnessed one
of the most severe water scarcities this summer 2005. Thanks to the
indiscriminate land conversions and permissions by the District Collector
and Town and Country Planning Department coupled with the super-fast
processing of construction permissions in select cases by the Village

On 23rd March 2005 the MLA of Aldona constitutency, Shri Dayanand Narvekar
visited Socorro village to listen to the grievances of the public. Among
various issues pointed out was the severe water shortage experienced by the
people this summer. The PWD Water works officials as usual blamed the short
supply from the Assonora Treatment Plant for the problem. It was in this
meeting a resident pointed out how the reservoirs at Porvorim are grossly
insufficient to cope with the fast pace of construction of buildings with
anywhere up to 450 flats in one housing complex. It was pointed out how in a
radius of half a kilometer, in a single ward of the Village, around 1000
flats have surfaced in just about a year. This would mean that in the next
year around 3000 persons will have to be supplied with potable water. The
requirements of the huge storage capacity underground sumps in these
building complexes can no where be met by the existing reservoirs of the
Water works department. These building complexes are encouraged to sink bore
wells which in turn have been drying up the wells in the low lying areas.
Accordingly it was proposed that a total ban be imposed on multi-dwelling
constructions until the government is able to give every household at
least minimum of 6 hours water supply per day.

The MLA of Aldona, Mr. Narvekar after consulting with the Block Development
Officer of Bardez, Mr. Nipanikar, who incidentally was also appointed
administrator of Socorro Village Panchayat and was present at this meeting,
advised the residents to pass a resolution to this effect in the Gram Sabha.
Accordingly at the Gram Sabha convened on May 7, 2005 it was resolved vide
resolution no. 4(1) as, 'not to issue construction permission for
multi-dwelling unit (flats and housing complexes), hotels, restaurants,
boarding/lodging house, in Socorro village due to the grave water shortage
being faced by the residents of Socorro village. The ban on construction
will continue till the PWD is in a position to release water for 6 hours
daily to the residents of Socorrro and adequate arrangements are made for
garbage disposal as per the Goa non-bio-degradable Act. The decision may be
conveyed to the collector and Town and Country Planning Department, PWD.
After a broad discussion the said proposal was put for voting, 33 Gram Sabha
members voted in favour against 3 Gram Sabha members. Here it was passed by
majority to send the proposal to the concerned departments.'

What was interesting is that from amongst the 8 V.P. members present at the
Gram Sabha, the Sarpanch Shri Anand A. Mandrekar and one member Shri Sarvesh
D. Naik supported the resolution.

The Gram Sabha also resolved not to allow sinking of tube wells and sale of
water through tankers due to the depleting water table and absence of water
in the existing wells.

The Village Panchayat Body meanwhile turned jittery that they would be
deprived of their lucrative financial avenue by the implementation of this
prosposal. The V.P. Body and in particular the very same Sarpanch, Mr. Anand
A. Mandrekar in total disregard of section 54 (3) of the Goa Panchayati Raj
Act, 1994 and rule 4 of the Goa Panchayats (Meetings) Rules, 1996,
clandestinely took up a proposal to suspend a Gram Sabha proposal without
the same being mentioned in the notice of the business to be transacted in
the fortnightly meeting of 16th May 2005. The V.P. Body's resolution no.
12(1) reads as, '...further it is resolved by the Panchayat Body to suspend
the unlawful proposal No. 1 proposed by Mr. Sotter D'Souza vide letter dtd.
3rd May 2005 for stopping of multi-dwelling units and other big buildings in
V.P. Socorro, although the said proposal is passed by the Gram Sabha
members. The said proposal is not within the rules and as well as the
Village Panchayat Raj Act 1994. It is contradictory proposal and there is no
provision in Panchayat Act rules to stop legal licences of construction. The
Panchayat does not have any power to stop legal licences of construction
whether it is residential bungalow or multi-dwelling units as these
constructions have followed all the formalities framed for the purpose of
construction and as such the Panchayat cannot stop giving any licences when
the party/applicant has complied all the required formalities. Stopping
construction in the jurisdiction of Socorro village is a revenue loss to the
village Panchayat, therefore the panchayat cannot stop granting licences and
therefore it is resolved by the Panchayat to suspend the said proposal and
to read the said resolution in the next general body meeting'.

It is amply evident from the above resolution that the V.P Body of Socorro
has a vested interest in issuing construction permissions even if it is
detrimental to the health and welfare of the residents. It has violated
section 6 (4) of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 which reads as 'the
decision taken by the Gram Sabha shall be binding on the Panchayat provided
it is not contrary to the rules and regulations framed under this Act or any
other law for the time being in force and it shall be the duty of the
Sarpanch to execute the same as early as possible.'

The Village Panchayat Body in its desperation and purported lust for
kick-backs has forgotten that the issue about the resolution being contrary
to the law should have been raised by the Chairperson or members at the time
it was proposed by the Gram Sabha, but that did not happen. The reasons
cited in the resolution are an after thought to circumvent the Gram Sabha
resolution. The resolution having been passed by the Gram Sabha does not
warrant the approval or suspension by the V.P. Body as per the section 6 (4)
of the Act which is clear. There are no powers vested in the Panchayat to
suspend or approve a resolution of the Gram Sabha and that is why the V.P.
Body is silent on the provisions of law. By this resolution the V.P. Body
has usurped the powers of the Director to suspend a resolution.
Again the Gram Sabha resolution is not contrary to Section 66 of the Goa
Panchayati Raj Act which makes obtaining a construction permission
mandatory. The Act no where says that the Village Panchayat is bound to
issue the construction permission. It is only bound to reply to the
applicant within 15 days about its decision, which obviously is to reject or
accept an application by citing reasons.  The whole concocted justification
and rationalization about not being able to deny permission to the applicant
having followed all formalities, which again the V.P. Body has not been
specific, is all cattle fodder. The Gram Sabha is the supreme body in the
village. All other N.O.Cs obtained from various departments are mere
recommendatory in nature. The V.P. Body in this resolution is also silent on
the provisions in the PR Act on the Village Panchayat's powers for making of
bye-laws for conservancy of water sources, health hygiene, etc.
Another argument that one can refute is the issue of revenue loss cited by
the V.P. Body. If this is the contention of the V.P. Body then banning
tobacco, matka, alcohol, prostitution, pornography is also a huge revenue
loss to the State. Can public welfare be undermined by revenue
considerations? When the people of the village have taken a decision, why is
the V.P. Body so concerned about revenue loss? Is it that more the revenue
collected would mean more the tendering of so dubbed development works which
in turn would mean more commission from contractors?

However, two other Gram Sabha resolutions, one for banning of bore wells and
another for banning the sale of water from local wells were executed by the
V.P. Body. Under which provisions of the law were these resolutions executed
is now a matter for the village panchayat to answer .

In all this is the Government officer called the 'Village panchayat
Secretary' who under Section 113A(vii) of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994
has to report within seven days to the Block Development Officer any illegal
act, or misconduct, or misuse or abuse of powers and infringements of the
provisions of the Act. In this case the V.P. Secretary has been silent and
appears to be conniving with the V.P. Body against the villagers of Socorro.
Finally, the above incident is a clear example of how Village Panchayat of
Socorro is anti-people and anti-village. The Village Panchayat is supposed
to take the defence of its local people. It is for those aggrieved to resort
to legal redressal. But here is a glaring case of how the Village Panchayat
takes up the side of the contractors, builders and real-estate lobby against
the village people. If this does not amount to corrupt practice then what
could it be? It is the Anti-Village Panchayat of Socorro.

-soter d'souza

For Socorro People's Panchayat (A Socorro Citizen's Forum) phone 

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