Mogal Prof-ssor George Pintobab,

Being a very ordinary Goemcar from Sashtti, I normally prefer to discuss one topic at a time. However....

GP1: < using your absurd logic one can assume you are anti-Indian since you frequently complain about a number of things Indian. Yet, it is particular issues you are complaining about and could not be against the whole class of Indians, any more than I can be against a whole class of whites, anti-white as you say. If you do not see the absurdity of your view, I have not further to add.>

JC1: Am happy that you brought up this topic. We all know what you mean by "because she is white" etc. Please advise what you mean by "things Indian". Absolutely happy to defend my personal position wrt ANY country which invades my homeland on the basis of propaganda that there were a massive accumulation of arms and troops, that Dabolim was to be an US base ....(there is more ... but one step at a time)


GP2: < Take comfort if you feel you are right. If you feel better that you are without racial bias and I am, then more power to you. Your thought process here is similar to what the right-wing Catholic fundamentalists do - any challenge is deemed anti-Catholic with a broad stroke without looking at the underlying facts>

JC2: I DO feel much better knowing ABSOLUTELY that I am without racial bias.. And Thank You for aligning my thought process to that of the "right-wing Catholic fundamentalists". Hopefully now, they will talk to me. (;-). Just a joke guys. Don't take that too seriously. Am quite happy without "extremist" company.


GP3: <I cannot bring you out of the cave. If you believe race and skin color have no bearing on power structures today, please continue to live in fairyland.>

JC3: Thank you for being that pretentious. Where I live might be a fairyland to you. It looks quite average to me..and a place where race and skin color have NO bearing on power structures.

Now .... did you say something about a Cave?


GP4:< Are you also denying that most Indian films have lighter-skinned heroes & villains as dark-skinned.>

JC4: Arre baba .... go and see some recent Bollywood films. They are all available on DVD. But since you are talking about stuff from the past 30 or so years... Tell me that Pran, Prem Chopra, Amrish Puri were not the "villains" who captured 95% of the roles.


GP5: < I grew up watching a number of Tamil & Indian films >

JC5: Good for you. At least one of us (in this conversation) has grown up.


GP6: <The 'lover' in 'Bride and Prejudice' and 'Bend it Like Beckham' were white men......the Indian family was caricatured as dysfunctional with no suitable Indian boyfriend for the girl.>

JC6: Have you seen the films? Please tell me why you say that " the Indian family was caricatured as dysfunctional"? Do you socialize at all with North Indian families!?!

And will you please tell me the meaning of "suitable Indian boyfriend for the girl" ?

Who does the young fella have to suit .... the girl ...or you?


GP7: < Btw, do you believe that the lack of USA women presidents is NOT a case of sexism?>

JC 7: When last did George Pinto vote for a female candidate for President?


GP8: < my question was one of consistency: how come JPII dismissed Liberation Theology, a significant movement in South America while active in Poland & Eastern Europe politics?>

JC8: Ask yourself that question. Was the movement in Europe Pro or Anti Marxist? Now, Ask yourself another question. Was the movement in Latin America Pro or Anti Marxist? Hint: Are Apples the same as Oranges?


GP9: < May I ask: If as you claim that Goa is going to the dogs and the little folk are robbed blind by the politicians, should the clergy stand by and watch? >

JC9: With Rt Wing Hindu fundamentalists and the George Pintos of this world both going Hammer and Tongs after St Francis Xavier, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul et al .... I'd say YES.

The Goan clergy has NO OPTION but to stand by and watch. Anything else and the WingNuts will spread rumours like "Kristaos are bring back the Purtuguez".


GP 10: < It is clear to me that you have made a shallow reading (intentionally?).>

JC 10: Wow .... what a clever diagnosis!. Check in the mail (email) (:-)


GP 11: <I am interested in justice. For a number of reasons one cannot be involved in all issues of justice in this world.>

JC 11: Words those Goa Politicians "who rob the little folk blind" (your words) are likely to use.

I have no doubt that George Pinto is fighting for Justice. Even my shallow reading (and perception) tells me that. Its only that slip of the underlying anti-Catholic and anti-European hangup which shows every now and again.


GP 12: <you are free to pick which side you are on.  I have picked my side>

JC 12: I am on the side of the "girl" in Bend it like Beckham. I am FOR her right to choose WHOEVER she wishes without (at least) me telling her which "Indian" would be a suitable boyfriend for her.

Which side is George on, again?


GP 13: < Btw, it is interesting in my JPII comment you assumed my comment was because he is European (and therefore I am anti-white!). Why did you not assume it was an anti-powerful, anti-elite, anti-poor comment? In acccusing others of having blinders, we wear our own.>

JC13 : Thanks. I just took of my blinders.... and saw "white" "white" "white" on so many posts of yours .... I will now put my blinders back again.

Good wishes as always


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