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In catching up with the posts on caste, I was
delighted to read Fred's post on 'Caste...and all that'. I believe he is
absolutely right that the issue of caste in Catholic Goa should be brought
out into the open for the benefit of all as we clearly have informed and
educated people across the Goan spectrum able to engage in such discussion
dispassionately even though they may see the world in quite
different ways. So too, I would like to see some responses from Hindu Goans
in this debate.

In my view, akin to Fred's thesis, (as well as several others like Albert Da
Cruz), caste stratification in Catholic Goa exists, following from its Hindu
roots, primarily because those who have managed to claim and sustain  that
they are the upper castes have enjoyed a
hegemonic position to the significant disadvantage of the rest of Goan
society. Historically, the invention of caste has been a brilliant con trick
to maintain control, by small numbers, over societal resources. Brahmanism,
in theory and practice,  specifically labels and allocates others (with
limited exception) into closed caste groups,  from birth to death, based
thus, on ascription,  rather than achievement. This has generated tensions
between all the  labelled groups and has undermined the natural process
which normally leads towards social solidarity, and homogeneity among a
group of people. It has also undermined basic human rights.

For the caste elite, the maintenance of symbolic, political and economic
power, was a simple matter in the past, when education was largely confined,
by them, including the  priesthood, to the caste elite. However, this is no
longer the case and any caste claiming elite deference would be truly hard
pressed to justify any taken for granted elitism on caste lines today.
Instead,  it has been forced to burrow deep into the social fabric but yet
continue to do immeasurable social damage to Goa and the  Goans without
showing much face.

It is worth pointing out that castes, like races, do not exist, using any
scientific criteria available to us. There is absolutely nothing genetic
which can possibly distinguish between so called castes or races. However,
caste and race as concepts do continue to exist in people's minds, because,
having been
socially constructed/created, often by drawing on pseudo religious beliefs,
they become reified over a long period of time. Thus, once socially created,
they become 'real'  and in terms of their consequences work largely and
powerfully to coerce those perceived as the 'other'. This is to the real
detriment of a society as a whole and the  tragic reason for Catholic Goans
persistently feuding among themselves and being in intense competition
rather than co-operating for the general welfare of the whole community as

Sadly, the Catholic Church has been deeply complicit in the perpetuation of
caste in Goa. It was happy to eliminate the mark of original sin through
baptism, but chose, for political reasons and self interest,  to retain the
mark of caste which could easily have been eliminated simultaneously with
original sin at baptism. Such a lead would have helped greatly, as it  did
significantly, in the case, among others, of  the Sikhs and Muslims in
India. Sadly too,
Catholicism in Goa, largely failed to lead towards  egalitarian brotherhood
and sisterhood  in Christ. Put simply, the Catholic clergy, from the priests
to the highest ranks have covertly and overtly, enjoined caste
stratification rather than opposed it except in rare cases. They
particularly undermined, with the support of the local Brahmins, those
Catholic priests, who in all conscience, argued against caste in their
parishes and pulpits. Thus, the Catholic Church, has shamefully, been the
main supporter of caste in Catholic Goa.

However, while being critical of the Catholic Church in Goa, all is not
lost.  There is still an opportunity today, for the most senior person in
the Catholic Goan hierarchy, Bishop Felipe Neri Ferrao to retrieve the
situation, to his eternal credit, and even eventual sainthood perhaps! All
he has to do is to decree and ensure that at every baptism from 1st January
2005, the marks of original sin and that of caste are simultaneously
expunged forthwith.   Clearly, it  is necessary to start somewhere and I
would not wish his Excellency to say that it can't be done, but to move
whatever mountains are in his way and just get on with this necessary task

This may have been a fairly strident critique of caste in Catholic Goa but I
hasten to add that it is not a personal attack on individual Brahmins, who
through an accident of history, may believe that they have been allocated to
that social group, PROVIDED, they do not behave as Brahmins as the old
saying goes. Indeed, I do  have some excellent  friends who are led to
believe that they were born Brahmin and while they occasionally pull a fast
one over the less astute in a social gathering, have often proved to be
bright enough to
avoid getting their legs 'chopped off', metaphorically speaking , if I am
within earshot.

Let no one doubt however, that like some of the worst ills in society, such
as racism and apartheid, and so many others, often stemming from India, they
will not go away unless rigorously confronted head-on without respite.

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