A note to Gaum bhavs, to take care when seeking jobs in Middle East....
Eddie Verdes

Cops detain Iraq-bound passengers

The Bureau of Immigration at the Mumbai international airport detained 24
passengers on Sunday night on the suspicion that they were bound for Iraq, a
country for which work permits are banned by the Indian government.

“They were going to Sharjah on an Indian Airlines flight with a tourist visa
and their documents showed their profession as businessmen. They looked like
blue-collared workers so we questioned them and they confessed that they
were going to Iraq,” said a senior immigration official.

All 24 persons hailed from Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh and had
paid a local agent Rs 60,000 each for the work visa in Iraq.

“They were initially told that they would be getting work in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). But after they had paid the money, their agent told them
that  UAE was no longer possible and now they had to go to Iraq,” said the

Left with no other option after paying the agent, the workers agreed to go
to Iraq, oblivious of the Indian government’s policy  of not issuing visas
for Iraq.

“The Mumbai liaison agent has been arrested and is being charged for
cheating. The 24 passengers will be made witnesses in the case,” said a
Sahar police station official.

Forwarded by Eddie Verdes

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