Date set for conclave to pick next pope

Mark Oliver and agencies
Wednesday April 6, 2005 
The Vatican will convene the conclave of cardinals that will elect a
new pope in a secret ballot on April 18, it said today.

The announcement came after the college of cardinals met in private
for a third day of pre-conclave talks.

Meanwhile pilgrims continued to pour into Rome to witness the
pageantry ahead of Pope John Paul II's funeral on Friday.

The Vatican spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, also revealed that the
cardinals had read John Paul's 15-page spiritual testament, which was
written at different stages of his pontificate.
 In the testament, Mr Navarro-Valls said, the Pope did not name the
mystery cardinal he created in 2003, ending speculation that this
cardinal might join the conclave at the last minute.

John Paul said he had named a secret cardinal and held his name "in
pectore", or in the heart, a formula that has been used when a pope
wants to appoint a cardinal in a country where the church is

The text of the Pope's spiritual testament will be released to the
public tomorrow. Vatican officials have given no indication of what
else might be among the late pontiff's final papers.

The reading of John Paul's last writings is, however, unlikely to
influence the choice of the cardinals, who will cast ballots for the
next leader of the world's 1 billion Catholics.

According to church rules, the conclave to elect a new pope must occur
between 15 and 20 days after a pontiff's death. April 18 will be 16
days after the Pope's death, on Saturday April 2.

The number of cardinal electors - those under 80 are eligible to vote
- today stood at 116 after the Philippines embassy to the Holy See
confirmed that Cardinal Jaime Sin, 76, was too ill to attend. Cardinal
Sin was one of only three cardinal electors who also took part in the
1978 conclave to elect John Paul.

In a major change to a centuries-old practice, the Vatican said it
planned to ring bells in addition to sending up white smoke to
announce that a new pope had been chosen.

Black smoke coming from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel signals that
no decision has been made after a papal ballot while white smoke means
a pope has been elected. In the past, it has sometimes been hard to
tell whether the smoke from the Vatican chimney is white or black.

"This time we plan to ring the bells to make the election of the Pope
clearer," Archbishop Piero Marini said yesterday.

In another change from past papal elections, cardinals voting in the
conclave will have access to all of Vatican City during the election
rather than just the Sistine Chapel.

Mourners today continued to stream past John Paul's crimson-robed
remains at the rate of around 600,000 a day in an almost
round-the-clock procession through St Peter's Basilica.

The crush of pilgrims on the road leading to the Vatican is expected
to rise sharply when an expected 2 million Poles arrive in Rome for
the funeral of the Polish-born pontiff.

Pilgrims stood today in a queue more than a mile long for around 12
hours in chilly, pre-dawn temperatures for a brief glimpse of the
Pope's body.

The Italian authorities are calling extra police in to Rome and plan
to seal off much of the city on Friday to protect a VIP contingent
that will include some 200 world leaders, among them the US president,
George Bush, the prime minister, Tony Blair, and the Prince of Wales,
who delayed his wedding until Saturday in order to attend the funeral.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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