Thought provoking indeed Fred.  You have however,
provided us only one side of the argument. And perhaps
as you intended, you have indeed struck a raw nerve.  

Not all Non-Resident Goans or their parents were born,
nurtured and educated in Goa.  I dare guess that if
not the majority, a significant percentage of Goans,
especially in the non-Gulf countries migrated there
after having been born, educated and made their
careers outside of Goa. Many were forced to migrate
when the British and Portuguese colonies in Africa
gained their independence, and from Pakistan.

Nevertheless, whether first, second,third or even
fourth generation, a deep reservoir of goodwill and
nostalgia towards Goa exists among Goans and their
progeny overseas. Undoubtedly this love for Goa was
instilled by their parents or grandparents.  The
success of the World Goa Day observations throughout
the Globe are clear evidence  that Goans wherever they
may be are proud of their heritage and proud to call
themselves Goan. 

With a cosmopolitan outlook on life, Goans overseas
have largely been very successful in every endeavour
one can think of.  Given the right official climate
and the right attitude by the people who rule Goa, I
am sure that there a lot of them who would love to do
something for Goa.  This is not necessarily giving
back, as many of them may have received nothing 
"zilch" from Goa, baving been born, educated and 
launched and established their careers outside of Goa
Coming back to Goa is another matter. One must be very
idealistic,highly committed and have a missionary zeal
to come and live in Goa with the "few hundred pounds
of pension" earned during their careers in the
colonies.  Many have bitter experiences of losing
their ancestral properties and having to deal with
very un-helpful elected officials unless allegedly one
is able to profer a bribe. 

Those who choose to come to Goa to settle or to
purchase a holiday home or deal with routine matters
such as purchasing a vehicle or getting a drivers
license can tell you about their experience dealing
with corrupt bureaucrats, the endless queues, being
shunted from one office to another, or one officer to
another, or being told to come another day because the
person handling a particular matter is "out of
station" and so no business can be transacted on that
day.  And what is  particularly galling and derisive
is the appellation of "Bhailo" given to those of us
"niz" Goenkars when dealing with bureacrats. 

When dealing with an official  matter in Goa, there
does not seem to be a set criteria of requirements. 
Many times the person one first encounters at a
Government office is not on duty on the follwing day
and the new person on duty sets up a whole new
criteria of requirements. Harass the hapless citizen
appears to be the mantra of governmental bureaucrats. 
I wonder if this is a colonial legacy ?

Give to Goa we must, not necessarily give "back".
However we must stop thinking of overseas Goans as
mere cash cows, but as partners in Goa's progress.
We must have an NRI cell or whatever it is called that
is made up equally of NRIs so that the concerns of
non-resident Goans can be articulated and whatever
decisions are taken, are balanced and have the views
of the NRIs that the cell supposedly represents. 
When the Government of Goa shows that it truly
respects and welcomes its world-wide diaspora, and
changes its attitude from one of envy to one of equal
partnership, you will have created the right climate 
for overseas Goans to participate in the development
of Goa.

(Having said that, the raw nerve throbs no more !)

Vivian A. D'Souza 

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