----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)
To: goasuraj
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: Goa SEZ and my views............

Goa SEZ: Boon or Disaster!!

SEZ for Goa can be a boon as well as a total disaster. Goans are already
witnessing dying industries in decaying industrial estates existing in Goa.
Government should realize that it is talking about Special Economic Zone
(SEZ) under Central SEZ policy and not about State SEZ under State SEZ
policy (which we don't have) nor it is talking about re-energizing the
collapsed 20 point program.  Government should realize that the success of
SEZ depends, besides other factors, on where it is planned to be located,
what it is planned for, how it is planned and most importantly, who will be
the ultimate beneficiaries of this SEZ.

The first on the list of considerations is: SEZ where? Considering the area
requirements for setting-up a SEZ is 1000 hectares, which cannot be
compromised, nor can it be thought that special relaxation will be granted
for Goa alone, Verna appear to be out of question and/or the consideration,
though it is closer to the airport and the harbor. In this context Pernem
appears to be nicely fitting into the policy. Moreover Pernem will have an
airport (MOPA) of international standards.  Considering the area
constraints, Verna also could have been fitting in as the SEZ area for '
Very Specialized Products' (VSPs),  but than,  the additional requirement of
having port/airport within that SEZ area is out of question for Verna.  From
this view point if Pernem is considered, then many other infrastructural
activities such as wide roads,  power generation etc.  will have to be
created at hopping costs.

As regards what the SEZ is planned for, Goa government has still not
finalized as to which industries it is aiming at, in the SEZ area. Will it
be 'general industries' or  'IT' and 'pharmaceuticals' and allied
industries? When SEZs are being started almost in every major state e.g.
Navi Mumbai, Amritsar, etc., can Goa think of attracting major industries
without offering several major additional  sops which are not being offered
by other SEZs? Has any one thought about these special attractive incentives
that will have to be given in order to attract these industries? And can Goa
afford to offer such attractive incentives at the cost of the Goan

How it is planned (at least projected/proposed) is still a big question here
in Goa and to Goans. But business houses are euphoric about SEZ in Goa, but
no one, till date, knows what shape it will take, planning wise and/or how
it will be structured. Everyone is busy firing their shots about SEZ without
even going through the actual requirements of SEZs.

Who are going to be the ultimate beneficiaries of this SEZ in Goa is yet
another big question by itself. Certainly the net beneficiaries of Goa SEZ,
if at all we have one, will not be Goans but non-Goans, and that is for
sure. Even the business houses will be mostly non-Goan. As regards
employment, Goa has educated class labor including top management
personalities.  But one thing is certain that 80 % of the labor force
including top management will be non-Goans and the balance 20 % will be
goans, employed to do altu faltu jobs , that too at a very meager salary,
just to  show that Goans are employed. This picture will be exactly the same
as we see today in industries existing in Goa. Therefore, from all these
angles, it is crystal clear that the ultimate beneficiaries  of Goa's SEZ
will be non-Goan business houses,  that too at the cost of  the Goan

Therefore the moot question is: "Do we need such SEZ for Goa?"
This is the question that Goans must ask themselves and come out with the
"Yes" or "No" answers.

Dr. U. G. Barad
600- Vasanti Niwas,
Borda, Margao - Goa
Tel 2731639

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