Came across a couple of nice sites that offer links to games for children. In particular I found this site pretty useful.
        Games by categories:
        * Jump-Rope Rhymes  (40 Rhymes)
        * Ball Games (28)
        * Chasing Games (36)
        * Circle Games (14)
        * Mental Games (10)
        * Other Games (13)
        * Sensing Games (17)
        * STrength Games (7)
        * Jacks and Marbles
        * Picking Who Is "It"

Send in your ideas and suggestions. FN
d88888b d8b   db   Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa India
88'     888o  88   f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l . o r g
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88~~~   88 V8o88   Phone 0091.832.2409490 Mobile 09822 122436
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YP      VP   V8P   Writing ... with a difference, on issues that matter

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