There is merit in what Bevinda has written while what Fred has to say is a
well accepted reality. In our rush to meet world cahllenges, we have
forgotten that Education is about ABC---Attitudenal and Behavioural Change.
When a Doctor can chuck biomedical waste[including aborted foetus/placenta]
in the Municipal bin, when an engineer can have debris dumped on the
roadside, when an orthopaedic can throw a banana skin on the road or a
psychiatrist consult a ghaddi for his child's illness, we know that there
has been "learning" without any "education". Throwing a plastic bag full of
litter near a dust bin is only one of the symptoms of a greater sickness in
our society. Who will bell the cat?
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
While not condoning the garbage-bags syndrome, I think this is a small
part of the overall problem.
The all-out grab (often with political support) of nature's resources,
the battle over resources (water, forests, beachfront, fish, the red
earth -- see interior Goa and mining), the inappropriate
industrialisation of Goa, wholesale corruption of the planning process
(including in BJP times), the unchecked plastic menace, basic greed, and
middle-class overconsumption... these are more serious factors that is
taking Goa to where it is.

Taking our share of the blame is fine; appropriating more than is due to
us could lead to avoiding pinpointing quarters who deserve to be blamed.FN

---------- Forwarded message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------

I think we Goans have ourselves to blame. Look at the garbage bags thrown in
green open areas by motorists. They know they are doing something wrong, but
still they do it. If they can drive with a garbage bag on the seat beside
them what stops them from driving to a bin and dropping it there?
Much as Bevinda may like to deride the BSG, it has greened the minds of a
generation of students in its member schools. It teaches by example, and
learns along the way from the students and simple folks. The armchair
critics do a dis-service to the cause.

If you are not a part of the SOLUTION, than you are a part of the PROBLEM.
Which side do you REALLY want to be?

Viva Goa.

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