Dear Goans [in Goa or elsewhere] and non-Goans residing/interested in Goa,

The Goa Heritage Action Group[ GHAG ] has created this forum for members of
the public, owners/custodians of heritage sites/houses/temples, architects,
engineers, nature lovers, art lovers and others to interact and preserve
that part of our built-up, cultural and natural heritage that is still left
to save. We cannot save the 9th century, laterite Gopinath temple of
Neturlim.It is already gone. Of the Augustinian Church, only one tower is
left standing, the Santanna Church is in the process of receiving
restorative attention while a whole lot of temples and chapels are
undergoing "renovation" wherein money and commercial intersets prevail over
the senses and sensibilities.

It is heartening to note that 63 persons have joined this group and more are
joining every single day. I am making this pitch for more persons to join
this list and to to it. The process is simple. Just send a blank
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you are a member.
Thereafter, either you can 1. "reply" to any email that draws your interest
on the group/list or 2. post, i.e. send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on a new topic. If you are posting on a subject
already being discussed, it is helpful if you maintain the same "topic" in
the "subject line". Please forward this email to your friends who are not on
these groups but are interested in preserving Goa for posterity.

One does not have to agree with everything that GHAG does....and GHAG does
not have to agree with everything you say or post...but we can work on
things that we agree, instead of fighting over things that we disagree.

> ============================================================
> From: "hetapandit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: GoaHeritage touches 63 members

> We have been asking for regulations to be framed for Goa's priceless
buildings and natural sites .This August it will be five precious years
wasted and so many buildings lost and sites desecrated.
> And one tries once more...
> On a happier note, we have set up a communication channel with the Office
of the Archbishop through its Secretariat, Fabrica and Confrarias at
Altinho, Panaji. The agreement is that if we see something adverse happening
to any church or chapel property under their jurisdiction, we can now make a
phone call to Fr. Luciano Fernandes, Secretary of the Secretariat and ask
him for permission to meet with the Parish priest and inspect the building.
It is after this inspection and a site visit accompanied by our experts that
we will send in a note to the Secretariat with advice on how best to
intervene in the building without violating any universal norms of heritage
> keep you all posted on any further developments. thanks for listening.
> Heta Pandit

> On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 Frederick Noronha(FN) wrote :
> >Just a note to say the GoaHeritage list now has 63 members. It does need
some activity to keep their interest alive. From different persons, and
'from' addresses, if possible. Miguel has been posting, but can we activate
the other prominent members to post issues, give replies etc (somebody was
asking about Salcete churches!)

Viva Goa.
 Let us live in a way that will allow us to say that sincerely until our
last breath.

Miguel Braganza.

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