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Hi All,

Please see the below article, and link (for photographs) on the Goan
Connections bbq. 

The event was held at Bi-Centennial Park on the 10th October 2004.


What a wonderful day this was !!!!


The day started at 9:30 am with Ian, Jude and Colin frantically running
around the very busy Bi-Centennial Park. We luckily located a spot and spare
bbq on the Concord West End of the Park. (Our apologies to those who went to
our original spot, but this location was totally booked by 9:30am)
As the clouds drifted away and the hot sun started to shine, people began to
arrive around 11-11:30am. We had a great turn out of around 45 people and we
thank everyone who could turn up on the day. Much appreciated Guys and Gals.

We got the BBQ started around 12 noon with a typical sausage sizzle, and
arranged the salads which people had brought on the day (Ann-Marie, Priya,
thankyou...). We had a nice cosy spot under a shelter and it wasn't long
before the games began.
Thanks to Ian M and Jason, we had a soccer ball, cricket set, and some
footballs flying around, as seen in the photos.
As the day progressed, more soft drinks were consumed due to the hot weather
and games were becoming a lot shorter. Just chilling to the music and
socialising with new faces, was enjoyed by all.

It was a great day to relax and enjoy each other's company. Once again
thanks for all those who helped out with the BBQ and brought food. Also to
the little brothers and sisters who also turned up, and reminded us of how
old we are getting he he !!!! 

Cheers and hope to see you all very soon
Goan Connections
Sydney, Australia

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