since i have been accused of writting exclusively about the brahmin
catholics, i now request for a little more space on the goanet from
messrs. Herman and Frederick  to deal with the chardo catholic

these two gentlemen together with their associates have created a
wonderful medium  where goans can express themselves without fear of
being subjected  to harassment by the powerful sections of the goan
community.;  it is the experience of this writer for over thirty years
that anything that is even remotely  agains our two 'upper'castes  was
immediately thrown in the waste paper basket by the scribes of our
newspapers obviously to please their bosses.

manusmrti, the vade mecum  of casteism consists of 12 chapters out of
which only 3 chapters ( 7 to 9 ) are devoted to hindu ruling classes 
i.e. maharajahs and rajahs and who rightly belong to the kshatriya
caste and the remaining 9 chapters  belong to brahmins.     this vade
mecum   makes only passing references to the other two castes i.e.
vaisyas ( traders and farmers ) and sudras.     you will be surprised
to know that besides the four castes there are four more classes in
the hindu society i.e. outcasts, untouchables, outlaws and aliens.

i dont know from where  the word chardo originated, but it would
appear that it sounds more like a portuguese version,   the word that
is commonly used by goans is chhaddi, but i have a feeling that the
well to do among the chardos like bhatkars, gaumkars, and jonnkars do
not like this term as it is closely akin  in pronunciation to a swear
word in konkani.    so i shall stick to the word chardo

the land owning farmers whether the big ones in india like zamindars
or small ones like  goan bhatkars are known as jats in hindi heartland
and as marathas in maharashtra and they are all vaisyas by caste.  to
the best of my knowledge no jats or marathas  have ever claimed to be
kshatriyas  by caste.   if i am not mistaken  vaisyas are not even 
entitled to the thread ceremony that exclusive ritual  confined only
to the higher castes.

the exception was shivaji who hailed from landowning class of
marathas.   he freed maharashtra from the mughal rule  and proclaimed
himself king and hence became a kshatriya.  but marathas in general 
were never given the status of kshatriyas  except in our beloved goa.

the chardos approached the patriarch and requested him that their
confraria should be treated as that of kshatriya and gave the example
of shivaji's coronation as king.

the patriarch readily agreed  and so it came to pass  that goa has a
substantial population  pseudo-kshatriyas  who along with the
pseudo-brahmins  had for four centuries formed the backbone  of the  
pax iberum


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