
G o a n e t - N e w s   B y t e s      APRIL 22, 2005   DATELINE: GOA

  ... .   ...    ....   .. ...     ....  .||.    Founded in 1994
 || ||  .|  '|. '' .||   ||  ||  .|...||  ||     by Herman
  |''   ||   || .|' ||   ||  ||  ||       ||     Carneiro
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IN TODAY'S EZINE: Goa calculates the full damage of the cyclonic winds that
lashed the state just after dusk on a hot Wednesday evening. But newspaper
account vary about the damage caused and the speed of the winds. Also,
weather officials seem to be getting off lightly for the weather going
totally unpredicted. Specially detailed issue today, to make up for the
silence during the 36 hours we didn't have lights in our part of Goa.

        o Goa lost over Rs 10 crore (Rs 100 million) in squall.  The state
          administration has started assessing the damage caused by
          Wednesday night's squall in Goa, though rough estimates peg the
          damage at over Rs 100 million. (NT)

        o Herald says property worth Rs 50 lakh swept off, 220 houses
          damaged and over 900 trees uprooted. (H)

        o Indian Met Observatory (Panjim) acting director K V Singh said
          that the squally winds that blew over some parts of Goa on
          Wednesday were due to the formation of thunder clouds. Singh said
          the system had not been developed across the nation, but had
          developed due to local phenomena in Goa itself, and therefore it
          could not be noticed or predicted well in advance in Mumbai or
          Pune. (NT)

        o Velocity of wind touched 283 kmph: The gusty winds that hit Goa
          late Wednesday evening was of the highest velocity since 1994,
          when Goa witnessed a cyclone as per the Indian Met Observatory
          office in Panjim. IMO said that gusty winds started after 6 pm on
          Wednesday, and touched a maximum speed of 283 kmph at 8 pm, caused
          as a result of thunder activities.(H) 

o Squall damaged 56 trawlers at Kharewaddo (Vasco) jetty. (NT)
o No lives lost, but livelihoods have been, as Vasco work up
  to dreary devastation. (GT)
o Campal Children's Park devastated. (GT)
o Sattari goes without water. (H)
o Merces wears destructive look. (H)
o Three injured in Loutolim, Mango branch falls on home of
  Jose Pedro Dias, injuries minor. (H)
o Nearly 200 electricity polls had either broken or fallen down.
  Some 250 houses damaged, says Gomantak Times. (GT)
o Political understanding between parties vital for stable govt: Jamir(H)
o Governor urged to approve pending electricity works. (H)
o Ravanfond bridge thrown open, officially by Governor Jamir. One day
  earlier, the BJP went ahead and unofficially 'inaugurated' the bridge.(H)

        o Real estate developer, a close Parrikar aide, joins Congress:
          Prominent real estate developer and builder Dinar Tarcar who was
          known to be a close associate of the former chief minister Manohar
          Parrikar joined the Congress party, along with a large number of
          his supporters and friends Wednesday.  Tarcar is a partner of
          Landscape Developers. Tarcar said the last four-and-half years had
          been a bad experience in Goa, alleging that there was rampant
          corruption. Tarcar said the Congress party had a long, healthy and
          democratic tradition and does not involve in politics of
          vengeance, and had no dictators. (H)

        o Kulavis whose family deities are in Goa's different major Hindu
          temples, and who have been deprived of the rights of membership of
          mahajanship, entry into the sanctum sanctorum have decided to
          "fight vigorously for justice". (GT)

o Senhorinha Melo e Correia of Siolim completes 100 today! (H)
o New pipeline promised to solve Quepem villages water woes. (H)
o Porvorim police have no clue yet on Parab murder. (H)
o Venus Life fraud cost depositors Rs 30 million in Goa. (H)    
o 'Kaleidescope Goa -- A Cultural Atlas' by Dr Pandurang R Phaldesai
  of the Kala Academy, will be released on Saturday evening. (GT)
o Parrikar asks Congress to initiate probe into IFFI works. (GT)


CHINCHINIM: Inez Pinto Rodrigues e Rebelo of Dandeavaddo. Wife of late
Antonio (Varca). Mother/in-law of late Margarida/Rui Fernandes. Sister of
late Idinha, late Innocencia/late Leonardo, late Sr Leocadia (AC), late
Maria Ida/late Taumaturgo.

QUEPEM: Cruz Cardozo, b 1964. Son of late Jefferino and late Christaline,
husband of Helene (Beautician), father of Stephanie. Brother of Maria,
Prema, Michael, Mariano, Jeromine and Sr Apollonia HC (Goa Velha).

RAIA: Romualdo Pereira of Curra, b 1919. Husband of Maria, father of
Santos/Olivia, Annie, Saude, Agnelo/Sarina. Funeral Apr 22, 4.30 pm

ST INEZ: Luis Antonio Alfredo Desa, retd asst chemist of PWD Opa b 1917.
Husband of Celina, father/in-law of Maria Lourdes/Dr Christopher (Aus),
Agnelo (Artek Systems), brother/in-law of late Filipe/late Bernadette, Dr
Bailon/late Elfrida, late Aires/Gloria, Ana/Oswald. Brother-in-law of
Mario/late Alice, late Luis/Alzira, late Melanea/late Bonifacio, late
Olivio/Ninfa, Antero/Estefania, Zita/late Antonio, late Ivo/late Antoneta.
Funeral to St Inez Church at 4.30 pm Apr 22.


o JCT Trounce Tollygunge 3-1 in National Football League. 
o Goa's Sporting Clube is top with 38 points out of 18 outings in
  the National Football League. East Bengal is second, while
  Dempo and Fransa (both of Goa) are in the next slots. (H)
o Goa United scored a comfortable 2-0 win over PVC Parra in the
  Air India GFA Under 14 football tournament at Duler. (H)

CULINARY CORNER * Share your recipe with Goanet News Bytes!


        - India's annual southwest monsoon rains are forecast to hit the
        country's west coast around May 26, researchers at the
        Bangalore-based Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer
        Simulation said. The group also said in a statement on its website
        that the rains in June were likely to be above normal for the
        country as a whole, with large parts of the northeast and eastern
        regions likely to see flooding. The monsoon, which tends to hit the
        coast around June 1, is crucial for growth in Asia's fourth-largest
        economy, where about one-fourth of output is from the country's
        poorly irrigated farms.


GOA'S VILLAGE NETWORKS IN CYBERSPACE are slowly picking up. Here's a comment
from Saligaonet: "We studied together for a few memorable teenage years and
have held a rather special place for each other over the years even though
we haven't communicated for probably over 20 years. Then out of the blue
comes this 'Hi' from the Philippines!!! The power of the internet and
volunteers managing this list is incredible." If you'd like to join a
village network, or form one for a village which doesn't have one, then
Goanet and its volunteers would like to help you do so. Send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with VILLAGE NETWORKS as your subjectline and stating
your plans or intentions.

        SOME RECENT ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM GOANET -- http://www.goanet.org 
        by Bosco D'Mello
        Nicknames that were used by school students in Goa in years gone by
        got many reminiscing - Konje, Daant, Gaagyo, Deonchar......and
        many-many more.

        JoeGoaUK has updated us with an extensive list of Tiatrs available
        on VCD. The hope is to generate interest among the Diaspora to
        support an integral part of the Goan culture. [see
        http://konkanivcd.swiki.net ] Famed tiatrist, Rom Tony (Antonio
        Romauldo Rebello) passed away on Apr 4/05.

        FN reminded us on the 61st anniversary of the 1944 explosions of
        Fort Stikine in the docks in Bombay that got three Goanetters to
        share their own fascinating stories of that eventful day.

        FN floated the idea of the creation of a public archive of old Goan
        photographs. If you can contribute/support this initiative, pls send
        a message to goanet@goanet.org 

        Goans, in Goa and Outside by Uday Bhembre generated a healthy
        debate. Bhembre argues that migratory Goans are of three kinds --
        those settled within India, those abroad but planning to return
        sometime, and those who have migrated more or less permanently.

        Many more articles/posts and Daily News Bytes from Goa. There's
        always some pulsating debate on Goanet. Visit the archives at
        http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/ To subscribe to Goanet, send
        an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - it's FREE.


<sebydesiolim at hotmail.com> has this interesting story put out on April
21, which narrates how residents of Bicholim town in North Goa on that
evening organised road blokade at the Bicholim bus stand. Seby writes: "Some
of them belonged to a group called MARG (Movement towards Amity to Roads in
Goa). The demand was to stop dust dust pollution due to transportation of
iron ore through trucks inside the city. Some 50 people from Bicholim
grouped together at 4.pm at the bus stand and then started stopping the
mining trucks that were not covered properly by the tarpoline. Very soon, a
crowd gathered and an open confrontations began between the protesters and
the truck owners. In the ensuing confrontation that followed the leaders of
the protesters Ramesh Gauns and Mahesh Kadkade were publicly threatened with
physical harm." Seby goes on to say that local politicians have been
investing in trucks (used for mining). Transporters have argued that
covering the truck with tarpoline is uneconomical as the lifespan of the
single tarpoline is only 10 days and the cost to buy the new one is Rs.
3000. To them, it does not make business sense at all.

        Mining truck crossing Bicholim comes from places in Goa as well as
        Maharashtra. Among the major companies that are 04 on the trade
        includes multinational like the Mitsui (Japan)-owned Sesa Goa, Dempo
        Mining Corporation, Chowgules, Bandekars and others.  Dempos has
        their mining spread over half the century in Bicholim. The
        municipality had even symbolically handed over silver key to its
        proprietor late Vasantrao Dempo on his 65th birthday in 1975. The
        company since then increasingly move onto new lands within the
        municipal limits, outside the limits and on the boundaries. "The
        routine water shortages, loss of land under agriculture, dust
        pollution, tuberculosis and other lung diseases are sought to be
        compensated for by liberal donations to temples, cajoling to buy
        trucks, participation in mining the form of running of bulldozers
        and of course the employment argument," says Seby.

Mohan Naik, a retired headmaster, was quoted by Seby saying: "Mining has
ruined Bicholim." And yes. Anyone on their first visit to the town, even
after just inhaling the breath, will confirm what the retired headmaster has
to say. Says Seby: "I totally agree with him too. The voice of protest is
finally on the streets of Bicholim; something to rejoice on Earth Day."

        GREEN GOA, ANOTHER NETWORK: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/greengoa
        has about 60-80 members and is a place for people interested in
        Goa's environmental problems. Here members can listen to and
        contribute information, education on how to deal with environmental
        problems like garbage, facilities provided by the government and the
        like. It's something like WildGoa, but instead, focuses on the
        environmental side.

567VETS.com> from Canada writes in: "(Today is) the 35th annual celebration
of Earth Day which encourages us to look at how we use our natural resources
as well as stewardship of our planet. I gave a talk on the environment this
morning to the students at my daughter' school, and in the process of
researching the topic came up with a nugget of information that the Western
Ghats (and Goa) are in a critical phase of irreversible soil erosion which
threatens the future fertility of the soil for cultivation. Air and water,
two of our essential life sustaining commodities are coming under assault
from human activities.  We have to look closely at how we relate to the

CAN THE NET GROW GREEN IDEAS? Marie D'Souza <maridsou at sancharnet.in> of
Bardez shares some interesting information. She says: "Grow more trees.
There is a lot of land lying fallow because it has become too expensive to
grow rice or other crops. On these lands cashew, mango, coconut trees, etc.
could be grown which would later also be profitable. The Goa government,
through its Agricultural Farm at Duler, offers seedlings at absolutely cheap
rates if taken in bulk i.e. at least 20 seedlings of any one variety. Of
course there is an initial expense of getting the pits dug and watering in
the summer months. On a personal note, I started last year by planting 20
cashew trees.  Three did not survive but the rest are doing fine. I watered
them just once a week in the winter months and twice a week in the summer
making use of 'mulching'.

FRUITS, FROM THE KONKAN: Goanetter (and a man of many, many other roles)
Miguel Braganza is working hard with his team and colleagues to put together
the Konkan Fruit Fest in early May. For details see
http://konkanfruit.swiki.net Contact Miguel at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Latest news from Ground Zero: What's happening on the KFF front... 
        Inspired by the response to the 'Mango Show', organised by the
        Directorate of Agriculture in 2004, it has decided to have
        competitions for fresh fruit-products like puddings, cakes, souffle,
        fruit-salads, etc and processed products like jams, squashes,
        pickles on Friday morning.  Saturday will see a competition in
        fruit-carving and fruit arrangement/decor/basket creation. A 'fruit
        fancy dress' competition will be held once again this year. Entries
        have already come in from the primary section of Fatima Convent,
        Margao. An on-the-spot fruit quiz will be held on Sunday morning. 
        The popular 'fruit eating contest' will also be held this year too.
        Please remember that the ripe fruit entries -- six fruit in case of
        mango, chickoo etc and one 'hand' in the case of banana, as in the
        past -- must reach the venue by 2 pm Thursday, May 5, 2005 for
        judging. Venue: Riverside Promenade, opposite the Old GMC Building
        and Inox.  

        RFRS-Vengurla, ICAR-Goa, WGKF-Goa and CES-Sirsi have already
        confirmed participation. Barde Fruit Industries, Arolkar Fruits,
        Nabar Mangoes are some private sector enterprises coming in from
        Maharashtra. Lumel's of Saligao, Sonam Ice Cream, Rodney's Roses,
        Vikas Nursery, Viraj Nursery and others will come in from Goa
        itself. The Corporation of the City of Panjim has given its
        permission to hold the event and will be KFF's partner.

WALKING, CAN IT IMPROVE YOUR SEX-LIFE? Savio of the (Still Waters) Rendeep 
claims it does. Not just that, it also stimulates your body's functioning,
builds up resistance, strength and endurance. Walking makes your mind alert,
and makes it easier to control your blood-sugar, cholesterol and BP levels,
says the trained pharmacist who wants to go beyond just pill-popping. 

Writing on Aldona-Net recently, Savio gave a couple of interesting walking
routes around that village (i) Past the St. Thomas Girls School towards
Socoilo Coimawaddo till the Tin Manos (about 1.5km on way). Beautiful view,
little or no traffic, interesting birds and sounds, now a good hot mixed
road and some dogs. (ii) Over the new bridge to Corjuem. Good view and road
but some traffic. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aldona-net/


        BRAZILIAN FILMS HIT THE SCREEN: In Goa, a Brazilian film festival is
        currently underway. See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/moviesgoa/

FIFTY YEARS OF KONKANI CINEMA: Dalgado Konkani Akademi will be celebrating
Konkani Cinema Day to commemorate the day of release of the first Konkani
full-length feature film 'Mogacho Aunddo', which was released on April 24,
1950, and also to pay respect to the father of Konkani cinema Al Jery
Braganza, writer, producer, director and hero of the first Konkani film
Mogacho Aunddo and Sukhachem Sopon. Where: T B Cunha Hall, Panjim. When:
April 24. Time: 4.30 pm. Rico Rod, veteran film and stage personality, who
also was the co-producer of the old back and white Konkani film Cortubancho
Sounsar and Rajendra Talak, producer and director of the recently released
konkani film Alisha will be the guests of honour.

        Konkani film lovers will have a rare opportunity to hear the audio
        tracks of original old Konkani films like Mogacho Aunddo, Jivit
        Amchem Oxem, Sukhachem Sopon, Mog ani Moipas, Nirmon, Girestkai,
        Bogsanne, Suzanne, Jivanacho Khell, Moji Ghorkan, Boglantt, etc with
        brief information on the same by Konkani film and music historian
        and writer of the publication '50 Years of Konkani Cinema', Andrew

GOANS, MUSIC, BOLLYWOOD; Leo Fernandes writes in from Chatam, New Jersey:
You have written Goan musicians have contributed to Bollywood films, but
have anyone become a music director in Indian films? With the exception of
Frank Fernand of Amchem Noxib. Are they currently in limelight or still in
the background. The success of Indian music directors owe a lot to our Goan
musicians -- but they were never brought to limelight or forge ahead like
Remo Fernandes. Upcoming is Lawrence de Tiracol with his own music
compositions has lifted up our Concanim songs.

        JAZZ VOCALIST Yvonne Gonsalves with Goa's The Blue Note Trio
        (featuring George Fernandez on piano, Colin D'Cruz on bass and
        Lester Godinho on drums) will be featured live in concert across Goa
        from April 25 to May 2.  Check http://www.jazzgoa.com 'GIG GUIDE'
        for venues and dates, according to a post from Jazz Goa <jazzgoa at

MUSICIAN WILLIAM RODRIGUES IS IN SPAIN, doing what he calls "a small pub
show" and thinking of monsoon-time delicacies as he reads about the rain,
cyclonic winds and other havoc in Goa. If you don't know the man of (many)
music roles for his surprisingly-long Afro hair-style, then you would have
probably heard of his 'Boat Songs' CD that he released months ago.

SITEWATCH: http://www.goaportuguesa.com

        Goa Portuguesa  is owned by Dr.Suhas Awchat. While there are
        physicians owning restaurants, what makes Dr.Awchat different is
        that he closed his practice and converted his clinic at Mahim into a
        speciality restaurant.  The idea was to popularize ethnic food in
        Bombay and the out going disposition of its owner has made a lot of
        friends for him and the restaurant.

The transformation from "Doctor to Waiter" as his policeman father would
like to describe, has not been easy. Dr.Awchat was abandoning a respectable
profession midstream for one which he had no qualifications.  Fortunately he
had aptitude and a life partner who supported him whole heartedly.
Dr.Awachat's wife Deepa supervises the menu and enjoys cooking.
Goan cuisine is an interesting mix of many cultures. Goa Portuguesa dishes
out an array of authentic Goan spread. Its Chefs are "smuggled"(as Dr.Awchat
puts it) out of Goa.
President Medalist followed by his wife Ex. Chef. Deepa (Mr. & Mrs. Awchat)
Behind every Successful Man is a Successful Woman

  Address : Restaurant :Goa Portuguesa, 'Mili' Bldg., Opp. Mahim HPO,
  Kataria Road, Mahim, Mumbai 400016 (INDIA) Tel. No. : 24440202, 24440707,
  24441633. Fax. No. : 24363939. Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Corporate
  Office : 103, Samrat, Opp. Victoria Church, L. J. Road, Mahim, Mumbai -
  400016(INDIA) Telefax. No. : 24363939. Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Recipe Inside Directions  Our        Food    Franchise  Home  
         View               Patrons    Festival                      

FOOTNOTE: Mrs Awchat is formerly Deepa Mahambre, the table-tennis and sports
champ from the Mapusa of the 'seventies. 


Goa Science Centre is holding creative science workshops -- in Creative
Science, Electronics, Aero-Modelling, Computers and Multimedia. All are
suitable for students from Std VII/VIII to Std X. Seats limited to only 15
in each batch for each discipline. Admission on first-come first-served
basis. Batches from April 20 to 30 and from May 4 to 13. Timings 10.30 am to
2 pm. Further details from Goa Science Centre 246 3426 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Marine Highway, Miramar, Panjim 403001 Goa.


Ms Heta Pandit writes on the newly-launched GoaHeritage mailing-list
-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goaheritage/message/21 -- to say: "If I
sound pessimistic it's because we have a meeting scheduled tomorrow with the
Secretary, Archives, Government of Goa to discuss 'the issue of heritage
preservation in Goa' and I was putting together a bunch of papers for the
meeting. Guess what I found? Our first letter to the 'concerned authorities'
dated 7th August 2000. We have been asking for regulations to be framed for
Goa's priceless buildings and natural sites since then! This August it will
be five precious years wasted and so many buildings lost and sites
desecrated. And one tries once more...

        "On a happier note, we have set up a communication channel with the
        Office of the Archbishop through its Secretariat, Fabrica and
        Confreiras at Altinho, Panaji. The deal is that if we see something
        adverse happening to any church or chapel property under their
        jurisdiction, we can now make a phone call to Fr. Luciano Fernandes
        Secretary of the Secretariat and ask him for permission to meet with
        the parish priest and inspect the building. It is after this
        inspection and a site visit, accompanied by our experts, that we
        will send in a note to the Secretariat, with advice on how best to
        intervene in the building without violating any universal norms of
        heritage conservation. Our first visit will be to the Sao Pedro
        church in Ribandar where we saw some cement being slapped on to a
        lime plastered facade. Lime and cement... bad marriage! The cement
        will eat into the lime and laterite and cause cancer of the stone.
        Yes, stones get cancer too..."


btconnect.com> is calling on Goan organisations to join in celebrating World
Goa Day. He sent in this note from Toronto:

        The Goans from Toronto, who number in the thousands, send their best
        wishes to Goans around the world as we celebrate 'Goa Day' on August
        20th. In Toronto we have started our celebrations early as we host
        'Viva Goa' on July 24th, 2004. We have designated our Viva Goa
        celebrations as our Goa Day celebration as this is our way of
        showing our solidarity to Goans around the world on this very
        important day. Last year we had approximately 5,000 Goans in
        attendance. We expect this number to grow this year as many Goans
        will be attending from around the world. The idea to have a day to
        celebrate our heritage, culture, traditions, music and cuisine is a
        great one.... Oscar Furtado, The President G.O.A Toronto, Canada.       


MACAU TO LISBOA VIA GOA? Constantino Xavier recently posted a news article
published in Macao newspaper http://www.pontofinalmacau.com which says the
no-frills airline Wow/Macau, belonging to Air Macau, intends to start a
Macau-Lisbon flight, with a technical stop in Goa. Check out

        Tino Xavier also notes that the Executive Secretary of CPLP
        (Community of Portuguese speaking countries - similar to the British
        Commonwealth or Francophone), Ambassador Luis Fonseca who hails
        from Cape Vert, has announced that the organization will now
        consider applications for members seeking an observer-status. 
        Equatorial Guinea, Marroco and Senegal have already shown an
        interested, but Macau and Goa are also invited provided there is "a
        request through the central governments of those regions".

        For more information on this subject, please refer to a series of
        columns on Lusophonia (Portuguese influenced world) Tino wrote in
        2004 in the weekly Goan Observer. *Lusophone Communities, scattered
        around the world


MYTHICAL INDIA IN PORTUGUESE  -- Adeodato Barreto and the Eternal Return at
talk in Panjim by Everton V. Machado on April 27, 2005 at 18 hrs. Fundacao
Oriente, Panjim.  This lecture (in Portuguese) is meant to provide an idea
of the speaker's research-project on the influence of Hindu culture upon
Goan literature in Portuguese. Midway between the eastern and the western
cultures, the Indo-Portuguese literature raises many questions: How do the
Indo-Portuguese authors, trained in Christian and Portuguese ambiance,
represent the Hindu mythology and Customs in their writings? How does the
Western pragmatism interact with the Hindu conceptualism? In what measure
their literature reflects the Goan social reality? One response to these
questions is attempted by me through the analysis of the most important
poems of Adeodato Barreto (1905-1937), author of "Civilizacaoo Hindu" and "O
Livro da Vida". Though brought up as Catholic and in Western style, his
works contain important archetypes and paradigms of Hindu culture. One can
see in his poems the notions of Eternal Return (according to the classic
definition of the Rumanian anthropologist Mircea Eliade) and of
trans-migration, a corner-stone of the Indian philosophy.

        and writer Margaret Mascarenhas had some interesting tips on how to
        get across to your publisher that your's is a great idea. She
        suggests: "Edit Edit Edit. Hone Hone Hone. I cannot stress enough
        how important good editing is. If your MS is full of run-on
        sentences, too many sentences in the passive voice, unimaginative or
        lazy word usage, repetitiveness, sermonizing, etc, no
        agent/publisher of repute will waste time even reading it to the
        end, even if he/she likes your general idea. Most of them receive
        tons of unsolicited manuscripts every day and most these go straight
        to the slush pile. So, professional presentation is very important."
        See the IGIWW list

|  Share Goanet News with a friend or relative who you think needs to keep
|  in touch with Goa. Just cut this note below and email it to them:
|  Hi, Just a small note to say that I read Goanet-News each day
|  and find it a useful place through which to keep in touch with
|  Goa. I'd like to suggest you check it out. It's free. Just go
|  to http://newsfromgoa.swiki.net and enter your name and email
|  there. It's as simple as that. 

GOAN DOCTORS OVERSEAS: Intrepid networker Rene Barreto recently forwarded
Abhay Vaidya's post announcing that this year's Goa Medical College Reunion
is being organized by Simo and Fredrick in West Midlands. The tentative
dates are 25-25 June. Some of the alumni of the GoMeCo abroad include A
Netalkar - Abhay Vaidya - Ajai Tyagi - Ajit Nair -Luis Dias (?) Anand Kamat
- Anand Virginkar - Simo Frds - Anil Desai - Anirudh Gadgil Atul Tyagi -
Bony Rodrigues (?) - Chetan Shirodkar (?) -Dattakumar Kunde Frederick S
Faria - Guirish Solanki - Gustavo Vas Falcao - Hemal Mohan Irineu Da Cunha -
Jayant Vaidya - Kenneth Barbosa (need details) Kishor Vaidya - Lawrence
Azavedo - Lucio Fds - Maria Pinto Rebello Neville Menezes - Prashant
Kakodkar - Rajeshwar Naik (?) Selwyn Albuquerque - Simon Menezes - Stanley
Veiga - Thomas Samuel Vivek Chitre. To learn more about the goan_doctors
group, please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goan_doctors Email abhay
at blueyonder.co.uk

Association of Photography list is currently discussing why labs in Goa no
long process B&W (black-and-white) film. Said Jerry Sousa: "It's a great
pity that labs no longer process B&W films anywhere in Goa. Does anyone know
when this came about?" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gap-goa

        the author of the recent book 'Memories of My Homeland: Poems,
        Stories and Pictures', has posted to Goanet about the "nick-names at
        Monte (de Guirim)" that he knew of. Tony <tonferns at hotmail.com>
        writes: "Nick-names at Monte.  They were funny, hilarious and varied
        indeed, short and to the point. Concise. Descriptive. Some were
        condescending while other were patronizing. Through my scholastic
        years, they dragged on and on. They were for some like a stigma. For
        life. They stuck on us throughout our entire schooling years and
        perhaps beyond. They weathered on like permanent labels as we moved
        higher from one grade to the next. Some were good, others bad. Some
        were funny, others wild -- but most of them were unique in their own
        way and had a particular aural ring or a peculiar tone to them. A
        nickname at times was good for some. It made them popular." If we
        ever attempted to compile a list of such names, my guess is that it
        would certainly run into quite a sizable collection to be treasured
        for posterity.  The 'Nickname Register' would surely bring back
        great memories of a bygone era. Some of the nicknames themselves
        were legends and so were the students with sub-titles that stood the
        test of time. Of course, while Archimedes, and Elvis were named
        after great men, many were named after regional or global places or
        territories which the boys hailed from. Others were aptly applied by
        what the particular student was good at, or may not have been in
        other cases. Fruity names like Water Melon, and veggie names like
        Bendo still come to mind. Mad Scientist, Monkey-nut and Matari (Old
        Lady) were quite familiar alternative designations. Others were
        abstract. Some were named after earth elements. I remember one
        student who was nick-named "Varem" (Breeze) simply because he ran
        and won the 100-metres sprint and the school marathon. Tony belongs
        to Guirim's Class of 1964.

        http://www.goanet.org/mailman/pipermail/goanet has all archives of
        posts on Goanet.

heart of Panjim says that CNN recently broadcast a "beautiful program about
hams (amateur radio enthusiasts) and how they were involved in restoring
communications with Andaman Islands after the Tsunami disaster." They
included also Goa in the program to show friendship on the air and showed
Didier himself along with Luis Catulo, a Goan settled in Portugal with the
call-sign of CT1CTZ. Didier notes: "He happened to be the last ham to operate
from Goa as a Portuguese territory with the call-sign CR8LC and I happened to
be the first to operate from Goa after Liberation and both of us bumped into
each other on the air and then in my shack. Goa's DIG (deputy inspector
general of police) Muktesh Chander is also a ham VU2HJZ and a very dedicated
one too." Didier is at didierdemelo at hotmail.com

update: The 2nd All India Open Scrabble Tournament is being held on April 23
and 24, 2005 at PC College of Engineering, Fr. Agnel Technical Complex,
Verna-Goa. The tournament is being organised by Fr. Agnel Ashram in
collaboration with the Scrabble Association of Goa. Attractive cash prizes
and other spot prizes amounting to more than Rs. 50,000 will be awarded.
Interested players may kindly contact Douglas Lobo, Panjim 9822125959,
Mukesh Adhia, Vasco 9822140392, Jacky Fernandes, Margao 9326131695 or Irineu
Gonsalves, Verna 9823171448 for registration. Or go to
http://www.agnelpolytechnic.org/scrabble The Official Scrabble Dictionary is
available at Champs, Panaji.

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||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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