Sound advice..........hope it helps !

We were here first, kids 


TINA Woolnough admits she was once a slave to her three children. She
breast-fed them all and didn't have a night out with her husband Peter
for five years because she couldn't bear the thought of a stranger
putting them to bed. Dirty nappies and food-stained clothes were
changed immediately.

"I completely sacrificed myself at first," says Tina, 42. "When you
breastfeed you have to be a martyr anyway for a short period of time,
and with your first baby you are so frightened.

"For years we had no social life at all. It was control freakery. I
didn't feel comfortable putting them into full-time childcare. I felt
that I had had a good life and seen a lot of the world so I was
prepared to put the children first." She pauses, and adds: "But I
think I did go over the top."

Tina's sacrifices for six-year-old Felix, Astrid, nine, and Ingrid,
10, will be familiar to most parents.

For many, the birth of a child creates a bond so strong it remains
unbroken by a return to work, a romantic weekend break or even a
single night out for many years.

It is an approach that is encouraged by a child-centric culture in
which youngsters are more than just the apple of their parents' eye:
they are cosseted and praised, clothed in the latest expensive kiddie
fashions by mums in threadbare jumpers, and taken to the latest
mindless Disney cartoon by dads for whom Al Pacino has become a fond
but distant memory.

Not always grateful, the youngsters are ferried hundreds of miles
every year to tumbletots, jungle gym, swimming and ballet by parents
frantically making up for the time they spend at work.

Meanwhile, discipline is all but a dirty word associated with
Victorian-era punishment and deprivation. Many children rule the
family home, as well as supermarket aisles, by simply throwing
tantrums when they don't get their own way.

It's a "them-first" style of parenting that has evolved since the
1960s, in the belief that such an approach produces confident, happy
children whose talents will be fully explored.

But, finally, the backlash has begun. 

The counter-attack is being led by a new breed of child experts that
Dr Spock and Miriam Stoppard would frown upon.

Christie Mellor, author of the self-explanatorily titled book We Were
Here First, Kid, weighs in with phrases such as "Sadly the use of
child-sized muzzles has never caught on, though I can't see why not."

Her advice on dealing with tantrums? The cupboard. "If your child is
prone to yelling and screaming lead him to a quiet corner," she says.
"When your child realises he will be alone in some dark, cramped
cupboard free of an adult audience he will soon tire of the sport and
move on to quieter activities."

Instead of mollycoddling as a reaction to bad behaviour, the latest
experts advise firm discipline, including threats and deprivation. And
they even suggest that children can be put to good use in the kitchen
by teaching them how to mix not fairy cakes or muffins but mum and
dad's favourite cocktail. Equally, they recommend a stern look like
the one your own mother used to adopt that made you realise you were
in big trouble. Mellor even suggests the odd kick under the table.

Mellor's philosophy is straightforward: "We have become ineffectual
lap dogs to our children. If you don't start saying no to your
children as if you mean it the tantrums will only get worse. Let us be
frank. You were here first. You are sharing your house with them, your
food, your time, your books. Somewhere in fairly recent memory we have
lost sight of that fact."

Her darkly humorous chapter headings include 'Saying no to your child:
It's a kick!', 'Bedtime: Is five-thirty too early?', 'Child labour:
Not just for the third world!', 'Self-esteem and other over-rated
concepts', 'Children's music: Why?' and 'Screaming: Is it Necessary?'
Mellor is not alone. Another new parenting guru is self-confessed
"Slacker Mom" Muffy Mead-Ferro, a working mother of two who has
published a set of lessons learned from her own grandmother. Rather
than child-proofing the house, buying educational toys and ferrying
children to after-school activities she advises entertaining them by
simply telling them: "Go outside."

While many parents live in constant fear of their child being harmed,
Mead-Ferro believes, somewhat controversially, this is a lesson best
learned from close contact with hot taps and sharp edges.

Equally un-PC advice comes in Perry W Buffington's Cheap Psychological
Tricks for Parents, which states that the age of parents as friends is
over and suggests a number of bribes and threats to make the little
ones do as their elders wish.

Instead of endlessly nagging children to leave their dirty shoes
outside, you should occasionally put small treats in correctly stored
shoes. If a wastebasket is within nine feet, children will try to use
it; further than that, they won't. Set up a swear box with the
monetary value of something the child wants inside it. Each time the
child swears, take a portion of the money out.

While it is easy to scoff at such advice, bad behaviour is a serious
problem among Scottish children. A recent survey of almost 1,800
teachers revealed that since 1990 the percentage of secondary teachers
who considered discipline to be a serious or very serious problem had
risen from 36% to 59%.

And Eleanor Coner, a mother of three and an information officer at the
Scottish Parent Teacher Council warns that today's children are in
danger of becoming adults who simply cannot cope.

"The problem is that the generations go from one extreme to another.
The SPTC has been very vocal about the fact that parents are almost
becoming divorced from their children and youngsters have been given
so many rights the parent is on the sidelines," she said.

"In some schools it is common not to be consulted if a child is
misbehaving until it gets to the point when it has become very bad.
Children's rights should also come along with responsibilities but in
many respects that does not seem to be happening. We are rearing a
generation of children who can't cope.

"I would like my children to take risks, by being able to play conkers
in the playground, get dirty and trip up and learn by their mistakes.
That's what I want, but that's being taken away because our children
are being mollycoddled."

Conor believes children both need and enjoy having rules they must
abide by, but says today's parents have never been taught this
important fact.

She added: "It used to be the case that mothers learned how to bring
up their children from their own mothers, but parents are not living
near their own families these days and there is less community
child-rearing. Once you are past the early years and you don't have
the health visitor and the doctor you are on your own.

"Your child is quite rightly the apple of your eye. But that does not
mean they have to be the centre of the universe. I hate to say this
but I think older parents can be very, very indulgent. They will push
their child to the front of a queue and talk to them in a special way,
explaining everything to them patiently. If you are having a
conversation with such a parent the child is allowed to interrupt. I
am not saying children should be seen and not heard, but they need to
learn they are part of a big world."

Linda Russell, who runs the Parent Coaching Studio in Edinburgh,
agrees. "We live in a society where children do not know boundaries,"
she says. "The only way forward for parents is discipline but they are
frightened of the idea because they associate discipline with
punishment. But it's not about that at all, it's about boundaries.
Every parent should set boundaries that fit their family life, such as
bedtime, politeness and when children can leave the table."

Tina's own turning point came after the birth of her third child where
her circumstances forced her to re-evaluate her family life.

"With the first baby you have high standards but when the second comes
along you can't sustain them," she says. "You just make more practical
choices. They have to stay in a wet nappy longer and wear clothes with
food down the front. They don't have to have a bath at the same time
every day.

"With the third you just think - sod it. If they make it through the
day you're doing well. You've only got two hands."

She adds: "This means the third child is much better adjusted and


PARENTING advice from We Were Here First, Kid! by Christie Mellor 

â Our Little Tot's First Martini Recipe: All children should know how
to make this cocktail for their parents and other thirsty grown-ups.
Chill two martini glasses, fill a shaker to the brim with ice and add
gin and a splash of dry vermouth. Shake, strain and pour. Teach your
youngster to say "cheers" at an early age and he will be on the road
to a successful social life.

â If your child nags you for a pet and you don't want one, buy a
goldfish. Speed up its death by putting it in a fishbowl with plastic
seaweed which will add no oxygen to the water.

This will help enormously in putting your child off the idea of pets.
Having a little burial ceremony could turn into a valuable lesson in
land usage and the environment.

â In order to help your child with school projects, start saving your
empty shoe boxes, which fill a wide variety of project needs. The best
way to secure enough shoeboxes is to buy dozens of pairs of shoes. You
may have to occasionally splurge on some really well-made Italian
footwear which provides the sturdiest boxes.

â If, on long car journeys, your child gets into the habit of asking
to stop the car so he can go to the toilet every 20 minutes,
understand he is only engaging in a simple power struggle. Make the
stop as uncomfortable as possible, perhaps by a hedge of brambles.

"When your child realises that penny chews and sanitary toilet seat
covers are no longer within whining distance, a strong bladder will
begin to develop, and with it a much more enjoyable trip for


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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