A fascinating idea. Wish we had more successful start-ups in Goa. FN

How to Start a Startup

Interested in attending a startup school?
March 2005

(This essay is derived from a talk at the Harvard Computer Society. It's not meant to be complete; I skipped some topics I've already written about in "How to Make Wealth," in Hackers & Painters.)

You need three things to create a successful startup: to start with good people, to make something customers actually want, and to spend as little money as possible. Most startups that fail do it because they fail at one of these. A startup that does all three will probably succeed.

d88888b d8b   db   Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa India
88'     888o  88   f r e d @ b y t e s f o r a l l . o r g
88ooo   88V8o 88   http://www.bytesforall.org * http://fn.swiki.net
88~~~   88 V8o88   Phone 0091.832.2409490 Mobile 09822 122436
88      88  V888   784 Nr Lourdes Convent, Sonarbhat Saligao Goa 403511
YP      VP   V8P   Writing ... with a difference, on issues that matter

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