Dear  Goanetters,

It may interest all to know that  the preferred destination for Indians is 
America and not Portugal.So why do All  and Sundry claim that Goans are Anti 
american?Given a chance they would all land  in the US.

How others see  Americans 

Still not loved. Now not envied

Jun 23rd 2005 | WASHINGTON, DC 
>From The Economist print  edition

Anti-Americanism is becoming entrenched, and getting more  personal

IT IS two years since a  surge of anti-American feeling greeted the start of 
the war in Iraq. In the past  few months, the Iraqis have held their election; 
America has lifted objections  to international war-crimes trials over 
Darfur; Israel's (American-supported)  plan to pull out of Gaza has gathered 
speed; and Condoleezza Rice has been  wooing Europeans diplomats with a 
kinder, gentler foreign policy. Surely, by now  the spasm of hostility should 
be abating a bit. 

There are one or two  signs of that in a new poll by the Pew Global Attitudes 
Project, the gold  standard of international opinion surveys. Positive 
impressions of America have  risen a few points in France, Germany and Russia 
since 2004, and have surged in  India (since 2002) and Indonesia (2003). 
Against that, opinions of America are  still well below their levels in 2000 
and in most places they are still  basically negative (see chart).

American officials  usually downplay negative opinions as products of policy 
disputes or personal  animosity, not hostility to the country itself. George 
Bush remains about as  popular as a germ at a medical conference, and public 
support for the war on  terror has slipped markedly in many European 

This time, though, some  American policies are actually popular. People in all 
16 countries surveyed said  America's relief effort after the Asian tsunami 
inclined them more favourably  towards it (this may explain the sharp 
improvement in Indonesian opinion). Most  countries responded well to 
President Bush's calls for democracy in the Middle  East—though more so in 
Europe than in the region itself.  

So it is all the more  sobering to find considerable levels of hostility when 
people compare America  with other countries, or express their views about 
Americans in general, not Mr  Bush in particular. Pew asked its respondents to 
give favourability ratings to  five nations: America, France, Germany, Japan 
and China. America came bottom of  everyone's list everywhere except in India, 
where it was top, Poland, where it  was in the middle and China, where it came 
above Japan. The British view France  and Germany more favourably than they do 
America. China is more popular than the  United States throughout Europe. 
(Germany won this particular beauty contest, by  the way, scoring highly 
almost everywhere except Germany itself.) 

The survey was conducted  during the referendum campaigns in France and the 
Netherlands over the EU constitution. But scepticism about the future of their 
union  does not imply that Europeans want closer transatlantic ties. Half or 
more in  every non-American country surveyed said they wanted Europe to be 
more independent of the United States, and huge majorities—between 70% and 
80% said  they thought the world would be better off if America faced a rival 
military  power. 

Americans themselves are  still more popular abroad than their country or 
their president. But the gap has  narrowed, partly because the positive image 
of Americans has declined  considerably since 2002. Other people think 
Americans are hard-working and  inventive, yes. But in most countries, more 
than half think of them as greedy  and violent and, in the Middle East, as 

The Pew poll even raises  questions about how far others still see America as 
the land of opportunity, as  Americans do. One question asked: “Suppose a 
young person who wanted to leave  asked you to recommend where to go to lead a 
good life—what country would you  recommend?” Nobody except the Indians 
picked the United States first (see  table).

Given the lack of  consistent long-term data, it is hard to know how these 
attitudes compare with,  say, the 1960s. But this is the fifth survey of its 
kind since 2000. For that  period, the Pew polls provide strong evidence that 
anti-Americanism is more than  a blip associated with Mr Bush or Iraq.

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