Inquisition in pre-1560 GOA

Teotonio: It is also important that those who want to discuss seriously
a theme, keep abreast of new research findings and publications. How
many of those talking on the Goanet have read the recent publications,
say for instance, of Ines Zupanev or Ana Cannas da Cunha? This last
named author has recently published new documentation to prove that
Inquisition was already at work in Portuguese India much before 1560.
Hence, it did not wait for the
*official* establishment of it to start its work.  There were already
cases running against the cripto-Jews who had been running away from
Portuguese Inquisition in Portugal and seeking refuge in *distant* India
from 1536 onwards on a big scale. Hence, the concern of SFX and several
other important Jesuits of the time, such as Gaspar Barzeo, Baltazar
Dias, Antonio Quadrso, Belchior Nunes Barreto, Gonçalo Silveira, etc. 

Response with questions:
When the crypto-Jews were persecuted in Portugal, why did they make
their way to a Portuguese colony? (Likely without the government's
authorization). Why would the crypto-Jews feel that there was a greater
sanctuary for them in the Portuguese colonies than in the mainland? Do
we know why these Jews came to Goa/India rather than to Eastern-Europe
or Turkey or Middle East where most of them went? From a refugee /
political perspective 'illegal migration of crypto-Jews on a big scale'
to the colonies would put themselves at a greater risk and likely be a
greater security threat for Portugal and its colonies.  Was the
prosecution of the crypto-Jews in Goa due to deep seated religious
motivation or was it for perceived "Insecurity reasons"? 

So beyond the usual ani sodanchem charges of "Inquisition for Heresy and
Blasphemy" against the crypto-Jews in Goa, was there a political
"insecurity threat" just as the Crypto-Jews were (rightly or wrongly)
perceived to be in Portugal? Or are we attributing the term
'Inquisition' to everything the Portuguese military did? Are Ines
Zupanev or Ana Cannas da Cunha Goans? Or are Goans swallowing
'hook-line-and-sinker' everything written by phoreighners?:=)) Gilbert

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