The Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court recently appropriately
observed that “as a legal fraternity, we must cherish our nobility not only
in the interest of the profession but in the interest of the whole judicial

Not very long ago Goa's Chief Minister Manohar had publicly announced that
he had a bag full of evidence of corruption against some judges. If the
accusation made by the Chief Minister is true it is a matter of great
concern. Justice loving Goans would be indebted to Mr. Parrikar if he makes
all this evidence available to the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court so
that these undesirable elements, if any, are flushed out of the judicial

Only people of the highest integrity and legal acumen should make it to the
judicial positions. People aspiring to these positions should be unbiased to
the core and any links whatsoever to the RSS or the Sangh Parivar should
definitely be nipped in the bud.

Today it is an irony that a small state like Goa is being mismanaged by a
Jumbo cabinet but our back-logged courts are expected to dispense justice
with skeleton staff. Judges have to be paid good salaries and provided
better amenities.

Today even Mamlatdars and Deputy Collectors have an official vehicle to move
around in but most of the Civil judges have to travel in sardine packed
buses to and from work. It is very unfortunate that Politicians without
any hesitation frequently give themselves a hefty salary raise but when it
comes to hiking judges emoluments they crib and sulk.

Everything possible has to be done to ensure that the judiciary is
independent and free from any political interference. It is a relief that
today all control over even the junior judges comes within the purview of
the High Court. I can vividly recollect that one evening, over two decades
ago, when I was  visiting  the then Law Minister Shankar Laad, a few junior
judges had come to lobby their promotion/ transfer prospects. It was a
painful sight I will never forget. One of those judges was dismissed from
judicial service some years ago.

Justice delayed is justice denied. Time is of the essence in many matters.
It would also be ideal if all authorities exercising judicial authority are
brought within the purview and under the scrutiny of the High Court. This
would strengthen people's faith and confidence in these authorities.

Today the Goa Administrative Tribunal is in utter chaos. The backlog of
cases is horrendous and mind boggling. It is a very important authority
sitting in appeal on matters over 32 legislations. The past practice of
appointing the Law Secretary to preside over the proceedings was not proper
and bad practice. How could a Government officer sit in judgment in matters
against the Government?.

Today the Director of Panchayats sits as a judicial authority disposing
appeals in Panchayat matters. The backlog is enormous. The disposal rate of
cases is next to zero. How can you also expect an officer to deliver justice
if he is also at the mercy of the politicians for his transfer, suspension
or extension of service.

It is a matter of anguish that Politicians in power try to control and
manipulate all institutions possible. The press in Goa is no longer
independent and no longer free. It is a sad state of affairs but there's not
much that one can do.

However we should do everything possible to ensure that the Judiciary, the
last and perhaps today the only resort for justice, is protected and kept
safely away from those in Power.

Aires Rodrigues

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