1. I go to Goa frequently and I am there at every Sunday mass. Never did I hear the church preaching on corruption.

2. I am also a strong believer of separation of Church and State. Corruption is widespread, starting from politicians to govt employees to neighbors/relatives. I believe the Church need to stress on morals and values.


Mogal Carlosbab,

1. May I ask you what the priest preached in any one of the Sunday Masses you attended ?

2. Am glad that you too believe in the separation between Church and State. I submit that Moral values are best stressed at HOME - not at a once a week get together in a language many do not understand yet. (There is a hope that after enough brainwashing, people will accept S-Konkani as the real deal .... and forget the way their mothers spoke to them....i.e. forget their mother tongue)

Having said that I ask you to review these articles from Tehelka. As the brilliant Current editor DF Karaka would say "Jai Hind phor that!" . What sez you Carlos?

posted sans comment:....Pay particular attention to the Second Article. All this stratospheric hyperbole I read about Cannucks and Homosexuality et al is a smoke screen. I wonder why we did not hear much learned comment about the Case in the 2nd item (attached below). And if any ladies are reading this, please pay special attention to the nonsense the former Punjab Chief of Police is saying.

have fun


posting it to TGF just in case another of my posts gets censored by the Multi-standard but defensive Censors on GoaNet.


Bride and Prejudice

We are inured to the statistics. We are inured to the news reports. Prakash Hatvalne’s camera captures the poignant face of child marriage in India that occurs to this day, despite a law that bans the practice

Last week, 11-year-old Soram Bai’s parents married her off to Bheeram Singh, 16, a student in Rajgarh district, in Madhya Pradesh.

Soram, Bheeram, seven-year-old Siya and 15-year-old Manju were among hundreds of minor children who were wedded last week in Rajgarh on Akkha Teej, a festival, considered auspicious for weddings.

Officials merely noted down the names of the children who had got married, never mind that there is a law banning child marriage.

In the villages and small towns of central and western India, this practice has continued for hundreds of years and challenging such marriages can invite brutal retaliation from the community.

This year, a humble anganwadi worker, Shakuntala Verma, urged a man not to marry off his minor daughter and he chopped off her arms. That’s how it is even in the 21st century.


Marry the Rapist and Save him from a life in Jail.!

North Indian men don’t respect a woman’s sanctity and practise patriarchy of the worst kind. They lack cosmopolitan instinct - Rani Jethmalani lawyer

I would blame the women who try to wear certain clothes just to keep in tune with the trend. They are the ones who provoke men - KPS Gill former Punjab DGP

What proves the theory about the Delhi male having a ‘skewed’ idea about man-woman relationships, marriage, etc is the infamous case of a nurse who was raped in the city’s Shanti Mukund Hospital.

The rapist, Bhura, assaulted her in a filthy bathroom, thrashed her badly and blinded her. But when he was to be sentenced for the crime, he actually proposed marriage to the girl.

What topped this extraordinary proposal was the judge’s reaction. Having conveniently forgotten what Bhura had subjected his victim to, the judge actually asked the girl to consider Bhura’s proposal and tell the court what her decision was.

“Is he a judge or does he run a marriage bureau,” asks Karat. To think that a woman, who has been so badly brutalised, would agree to marry the rapist reveals what marriage means to both the rapist and the judge.

This, according to filmmaker Saba Dewan, illustrates what marriage and relationships mean to the men in Delhi. “The judge obviously thinks it is perfectly all right for this man, who raped and blinded her, to also marry her,” says Dewan.

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