The BSG has been actively involved with the Corporation of the City of Panaji[CCP] during the last two years for keeping the trees on the Dayanand Bandodkar Road in good health. These trees now need attention once again. The BSG can help CCP in tree maintenance/pruning works in other wards/streets also. Human life is precious. Healthy trees ensure a better
quality of life to all. The motto of the BSG , "PROTECT TREES. TREES PROTECT." is borrowed from the Traditional wisdom of India " Vriksha rakshaty rakshith.". There is no other way.

The next major event in the calendar of the Botanical Society of Goa is the 3rd annual KONKAN FRUIT FEST to be held from 6 to 8 May. The current Executive Committee has intiated discussions with the CCP to permit the use
of the traditional venue[ Dr.Francisco Luis Gomes Garden and the adjoining Cornice Road/DB Bandodkar Marg developed for IFFI where stall/shelters are also available. The ESG, Directorate of Agriculture, ICAR-Goa, RFRS-Vengurla, Pilar Nature Farm and the Western Ghat Kokum Foundation have given their informal consent. Formal letters requesting their active participation have been handed over. Goa Horticulture Corporation, Goa Tourism, DST&E, Goa Handicrafts, TTAG, Goa Krishak Sangh, Goa Bagayatdar Society, SHGs, Spice Plantations, Nurseries and other organisations in the Konkan and Goa will be invited to participate in upscaling the event to promote the fruits and fruit products of the region. The BSG has been, and will remain, the facilitator of this not-for-profit promotion event that profits everyone in the region with very low investment.

As in the past two years, there will be competitions in 1. ripe fruit displays[ mango,cashew, jack,chickoo, kokum, guava,karvanda, jamun, vomt, etc.],2. fruit jams, pickles, 3. fruit eating ,etc. there will be sales of fresh fruits, juices, fruit salads, fruit platters, ice-creams, jams, jellies, concerntrates, pickles, wines, mocktails and cocktails. There will also be folk dances and music to create a festive atmosphere. Fruit plants will be on sale. Discussions are on with the agencies for demonstration of grafting techniques ,sale of books on fruit crops, etc.

The new Executive Committee that will take charge on 01 April, 2005 has a
continuum that has been the convention of the BSG since 1996 and consists of:
Immediate Past President: Dr.H.Y.Karapurkar,D.Sc.[Germany], Chairman of
Biodiversity Board,Goa and former Director of Agriculture and Chairman of
Goa Public Service Commission.
President: Miguel Braganza,M.Sc[Agri] Horti., Horticultural Consultant,
Author and Editor of Diamond Group of Publications/ Developmental Resource
Books for multi-lateral donor agencies.
Vice-President: Dr.Sudhanshu Saigal, M.D., Bonsai practitioner and leader of
the Bunjin Group
Secretary: Christina de Souza, M.Com., Lecturer in Commerce, Government
College ,Khandola-Ponda, and Advisor Nature Club[BSG affiliate].
Jt.Secretary: Rodney Almeida, B.Sc. in Chemistry, Proprietor of Rodney's
Roses & Garden Centre and President of Goa Nurserymen's Association.
Treasurer: Rena Fernandes,B.Sc.[Agri], Agriculture Officer[Information],
Farmers' Training Centre,Ela Farm ,Old Goa.
Dr.K.G.Hiremath, Ph.D. Botany, Head,Dept. of Botany, Dhempe College and
Editor of books on Environment.
Suvarna Fonseca e Antao,M.Sc. Botany,M.Phil[Environ Sc], Teacher of Botany,
BOLT Award winner 2004 and Advisor of Kalpavriksha Nature Club[BSG
affiliate], Carmel HSS,Nuvem.
Manjiri Kelkar Bharve, M.Sc.Botany, Lecturer in Botany, Dhempe College and
Counsellor of IGNOU Distance Education.
Anand Jadhav, M.Sc.[Agri]Horticulture, Assistant Agriculture Officer at
ZAO-Valpoi and ex-lecturer in Horticulture[Vocational] at Government
Ambrose Vaz, Manager, State Bank of India[Treasury Branch], student of YCMOU
degree course in Horticulture and vermicompost practitioner.
Antonio J.Gomes, out-going Secretary of BSG, garden lover and bonsai

We hope to increase interaction with the members and the public. Members may volunteer their time to be available at the Konkan Fruit Fest The Botanical Society of Goa looks forward to your continued support in
terms of time, expertise,encouragement and other forms to make Goa greener,
cleaner and a better place to live withbeatiful trees and gardens as well as
healthy fruits, spices, vegetables and their products easily available round
the year for locals and tourists alike. Together, we can make a difference.

Miguel Braganza.

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