How do you explain to your students why the number one (1) is not considered a prime number? Why is a one-to-many relation not considered to be a function? Do you have any ideas on how to teach 'subtracting a negative number' to seven-year-old students? How do you give young adults the much-needed foundation in basic math?

        Does this interest you? Are you into teaching maths?
        If so, click on the link below

Using the Google interface, it's easy to both post and read from Usenet newsgroups. If we want to support Rene's idea of 'an email address for every Goan', then the Internet must make sense to people in their day-to-day lives.

Information of direct relevance -- such of this, to maths teachers -- could surely help all interested to inch a bit closer to that goal. FN

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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